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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • My bad, v tired when I replied. That is an interesting feature the only similar solution I can think of is using something like Fossify Dialer (a fork of the now ad-ridden and proprietary Simple Dialer) and use T9 dialing. That could achieve a similar speed / memorization as a gesture.

    You could definitely get good enough at T9 to at least call people without looking at the screen.

  • If I see someone I know (especially someone I know to have issues with self esteem) trying something like a new haircut, or asking a girl out or really anything that presents a social risk, I gain respect for them.

    Heed some advice from Nelson Mandela:

    I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

  • It really is amazing for programming. I gave VS Code(ium) a chance as I hadnt used it in a while, and it feels like a frustrating black box compared to Emacs.

    My favorite feature is Emacs being entirely self documenting, it makes it SO much easier to troubleshoot issues, make refinements, or just understand what’s going on in your environment.

    Orginally I used Doom Emacs, but, although being wonderful to work in, wasn’t as easily understandable to me. I recommend anyone wanting to start an vanilla Emacs config starts here.

    Exemplary youtube playlist by System Crafters that makes creating your emacs config from scratch not only more palatable, but arguably trivial. (At least up to the point he goes in the series).

  • Ill give you my two cents:

    Palestinians are justified in fighting Israel until that occupation is no longer considered a country, however, the Hamas are committing atrocities against civilians, leading many to refer to them as terrorists. The argument for the Hamas (not all Palestinians) is that Israel has committed atrocities against Palestinians for almost a century, while being backed by the most powerful countries in the world, and that retaliation from the Hamas is justified.

    Personally, I’m happy to see anyone resisting Israel, and don’t believe any political compromise (although preferable) will cut it except the dissolution of Israel.