Which is even more hilarious when you find out there are body builders out there who buy breast milk for their gains.
Which is even more hilarious when you find out there are body builders out there who buy breast milk for their gains.
Scientific illiteracy. People think phytoestrogen is the same as human estrogen.
Not really. It’s a secular issue. France bans all religious displays in schools.
Yeah, cuz this is genocide!
I think you should start looking for specialists, especially with your mom’s erratic behavior. She shouldn’t be having that kind of cognitive decline yet.
I can’t wait to see how this turns out.
Clinical and scientific words do that. That’s why normal people say “women” instead of “females”
It’s weird to say in normal conversation. I’ve only seen people say “female” online when referring to women and girls.
I followed artists, comedians, reporters etc. Micoblogging is just shouting into the void and folks shouting back.
Hwhat they need is clean burning propane and propane accessories.
I think you’re on the right track.
We’re boned.
You missed the point where they all lost agency and just became hollow husks of beings.
“Woke” comes from AAVE meaning to be aware of racial prejudice. As in, “you woke up from a dream”. It has a definition, it’s just that most white people won’t take the time to learn it.
Okay, but he was right about this part:
"Lula said the United Nations had failed to assume its “responsibility” because permanent members of the Security Council “are the ones who foment wars.”
The UN security council is a joke and there shouldn’t be permanent members. It’s just neo imperialism.
As a gay man, I say yes. I get to watch the hetero world from the outside and yeah, Barbie nails it. Folks just don’t like the mirror.
Hey, they’ve got 56 now. That gotta count for something.
I wouldn’t consider a cows udders to be breasts.