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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Because there was some legit sketchy shit:

    1. Bush was warned at least a month in advance that an attack was coming. He deliberately did nothing. This was documented publicly in a Senate hearing afterwards. We don’t know whether he did nothing because of incompetence or malice, and we don’t know who else knew in advance as well, but either way, at least he and the people who briefed him knew.

    2. The dirty secret of skyscrapers is that they’re mostly made of nothing. They’re almost entirely air. It takes precious little to weaken them and bring them down. The Bin Laden family was in the construction business and they knew this fact very well.

    3. As others have noted in the thread, Bin Laden and the Muhjadeen had been funded, trained, and armed by the USA. They were our creation.

    Usually when people are suspicious, they’re right to be suspicious. They’re not always right about what to be suspicious about.

  • I remember being in LA during the Rodney King Riots in 1992. White people (especially privileged leftists) were all clutching their pearls, wondering why black folks were attacking their innocent Korean merchant neighbors and dragging random white people out of their cars and beating them, instead of going to rich people’s neighborhoods and attacking them, or attacking the systems of oppression. Clearly these white folks did not understand how oppression works.

    When you’re the victim of random violence, and have reached your breaking point, and don’t know what else to do, you respond with random violence, against whatever and whomever is nearby.

    Black folks in Compton had no way to get to the racist white power structure. It was insulated from their rage.

    Can XR act against Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk? The board of Exxon? No way, they’re not accessible. So they attack whatever they can reach. The world is burning and they’re pissed off. Their targets may or may not make sense strategically. They aren’t trying to influence people or win friends. They’re just infuriated. Know the difference, try to understand with empathy.