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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The thing with intelligence agencies isn’t about the information they collect or apread but the means and methods of they collect or spread information.

    If ABC intelligence agency knows someone is a double agent feeding state secrets to XYZ foreign agency, that double agent can go be unknowingly molded into an asset for ABC by feeding them inaccurate information, or their patterns can be used to uncover other undiscovered agents and gain insights into other potential security holes.

  • In case this is genuine asking, here’s the coded logic dogwhistle:

    H is the 8th letter of the alphabet So 88 = HH, which was used in WW2 communications by the Nazis for Heil Hitler.

    So people who just so happen to randomly put 88 into a random thought online are signaling to the people in the know that they’re also in the know.

    Before you say “but thats stupid and childish, why would anyone go through that much effort to hide their shitty beliefs that way?” that’s exactly the purpose of dogwhistles. It’ high effort enough that normal people wouldn’t expect anyone to put that much childish effort into it, and anyone who points out the dog whistle looks crazy to the normies because of how childish it the dogwhistle is and the dogwhistlers get to feign innocence being attacked by the twitter mob over a number.

  • Would have 12 years in August here. There’s some fandom-centric communities that I miss from my old reddit sub list, but honestly I’m thoroughly enjoying lemmy. I mostly stuck to the official app and the desktop old reddit before dropping it for lemmy, It’s so damn nice not seeing He Gets Us ads or casino ads like every 4-5 posts. I left reddit just about when they announced the API cost changes and was like, welp that’s going to kill everything. I got an email about Lemmy SDF because of my Mastodon and basically said hey might as well jump ship now and check this thing out.

  • Concern trolling is “raising concerns” about certain issues that have little to no basis in reality and only serves to inject bigotry and bad ideas. For example, people were concerned about “the gays™” spreading their immoral gay AIDS virus all over innocent children during the 80s and into the 90s, only to learn that AIDS is spread through contact with broken mucosa membranes, which then shifted to “the gays™ are pedos” argument.

    The “concerns” are nearly always disingenuous.