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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • If you write !someCommunity@some.instance and aren’t on some.instance yourself, that works for everyone, regardless of whether their instance server knows about that community already or not.

    If you are on some.instance and write !someCommunity@some.instance, both lemmy and kbin are overzealous and it ends up only working for people on some.instance.

    In that case, you can use [link text for lemmy users](/c/someCommunity@some.instance) and [link for kbin users](/search?q=someCommunity@some.instance). The one for kbin users looks a bit different to guarantee the link works even if their instance doesn’t have anyone subscribed to someCommunity@some.instance yet. Not sure if the lemmy link works in such a case.````````

  • IIRC it’s technically possible to attach an external harddrive to a Raspberry Pi if it has its own power supply.

    I seem to remember doing a botch where I took a USB hard disk drive that was supposed to get its power from the PC through the cable and rerouted the power over USB lines to a dedicated power brick.

    My memory says I carefully removed a section of mantle in the middle of the drive’s USB cable, cut the power carrying lines but leaving the data lines intact, cut one end of a different USB cable, connected the power lines of that with the cut power lines of the drive’s cable (only on the drive side, obviously), put the intact end of the second cable into a USB charge plug, and connected the drive and RPi as if the RPi were a regular PC.

    I’m pretty sure it worked.

  • For a long time I (and people around me) just believed I must have become a lazy person and that I just needed to get over myself. The idea that I might be ill didn’t even come up. When I struggled to write my bachelor’s thesis I did visit an insurance-approved psychologist, but all that guy did was trying to find ways I could motivate myself, with no attempt to find out what was causing me to struggle in the first place rather than just reinforce my perception that I must just be lazy. After a couple of months I stopped going because all those visits did was making me feel worse. Also, because I chose to go to a psychologist directly rather than being delegated there by a doctor/psychiatrist, insurance only covered half of the cost, so it was a waste of money as well.

    Really the first idea that it might be a mental illness rather than a personality flaw and being a general failure of a person didn’t come up at all until I read a book in which I saw a lot of myself in the protagonist’s mother who was said in the book to have depression. That same week I had my second bout of suicidal ideation, which drove me to get help asap.

  • Two reasons I can think of:

    • Information is more trustworthy if you can arrive at the same conclusion or at least understand how the other person arrived at it given the same information. If someone tells you that person X should be avoided, you could either blindly follow that advice or ask for a reason to decide whether you’d agree with the assessment.
    • Knowing the reasons behind something is also useful for extrapolating to new knowledge. A child who asks why they need to bathe will not just learn to wash themselves regularly but also about hygene in general, societal expectations about body odor and/or a possible disease vector.

  • You’re right on all counts. With the help of therapy and medicine I was able to reach a state where I was able to start an apprenticeship as an automation specialist in a regular firm without any concessions that would need to be noted on the certificate of proficiency (just a bit more leniency for sick days (unpaid)). Just a few weeks ago I received my federal certificate for this profession and I’m now starting to look for jobs (luckily, the market is starved for automation specialists).

    But as you guessed, it’s still an ongoing process. For the duration of the apprenticeship I had to work 100% and as a consequence was sick a lot (part my body complaining about being overworked, part not always having the willpower to power through). I’m planning to only work a maximum of 80% in future, maybe just 70%.

    Some days are still very difficult. Just last week I shut down completely for two days because of the combination of needing to prepare my work project for handover, looking for a new workplace (my current one only deals with apprenticeships, it’s kind of like a school in that regard) and being hounded at home about deep cleaning my room and parts of the house in preparation for moving out (was living with several other people for the duration of the apprenticeship and will move out next month) all at once.

    I’m very grateful to the state (canton) I’m living in for all the help I received without counting it as debt against me (unless I suddenly win the lottery jackpot, inherit a fortune from an unexpected benefactor, or start earning disgusting amounts of money). Because of that, I’m hoping I can find work in this state so that my taxes may help in continuing these policies for other people rather than benefit an unrelated state.

  • I’ll add my perspective as a male recovering from depression:

    • A questionnaire asking about sadness would have missed me. My emotions didn’t take the detour over sadness on their way to not caring anymore.
    • Asking me about hopelessness would also have missed me outside of my deepest downs.
    • While, in retrospect, I did become more easily irritated by people (especially when asked to do something when trying to wind down), asking people around me about acting out would have missed me, as I generally like my fellow humans and have a desire to please and respect for people teaching me something, so expressing that irritation would have been rather rare. It also would have been short lived as I’m quick to forgive.

    The best ways to have discovered my depression earlier would have been to

    • ask me about feeling overwhelmed by all I felt I needed to do
    • note how long and often I needed downtime
    • note how I increasingly failed to do things I needed to do in time or at all
    • ask me about feeling like I’m wasting my potential and/or disappointing people around me
    • ask me if I thought I was lazy despite not wanting to be
    • maybe ask me about being more easily irritated rhan I used to be

    Because this wasn’t caught, I spent years with undiagnosed depression. Years in which unhealthy coping mechanisms had time to entrench themselves. It was only caught because suicidal thoughts scared me so much that I sought help when they appeared a second time.