Oh hi.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Yeah, it seems like all the answers I get boil down to: people don’t like them because they just don’t like them. Which is perfectly fair, I’m not sure why I was expecting a more nuanced response from anyone. It’s sort of like how some people like chocolate and others don’t. Who can say why really? It is interesting though that Lemmy seems to have a disproportionate share of vocal meme detractors.

  • I don’t think they’re entirely negative. Memes can be very creative. Nor are they all political. That’s a weird argument to me. As far as humor, I think we’re just demonstrating how subjective it is. I find plenty of memes very funny. Yeah, can’t say I agree with really anything you said there, at least not as a blanket statement.

  • Okay, I appreciate such a considered response. I do agree it gets old seeing the same exact post over and over. Reddit was getting really bad with that. Of course there’s always the question of why some people find something funny and others don’t too.

    For me though, setting that aside, I just find the variations on a meme can be really fascinating. Then you have memes referring to other memes or imitating them, sort of like you described. Memes that descend into abstraction so as to become practically incomprehensible… I’ve had to research a few just to understand whay they were even talking about. I think at its best memeing is like some kind of collective conceptual art collaboration. Or like graffiti or music sampling. So interesting.

  • Wow, that cover photo gave me nostalgia, and I wasn’t even young in 2006. Already seems like a distant era.

    I think Reddit and Twitter will just become garbage, zombie platforms like Yahoo - still around but basically irrelevant. We’ll see. I was an avid Redditor and quit about two months ago. Honestly I don’t miss it at all. It had already become garbage before the whole blow-up.