Yes, middle school late 90s, northeast us. I made it to the top, but I was in gymnastics for most of Elementary school so I was really strong from that for a good decade after I quit 😆 I was also able to do pull ups in high school too (15ish) which from what I understand is typically difficult for girls. Now I can’t even do a single push up fml 😞 maybe I can change that before I hit 40 lol
Our high school also had a huge rock wall in the gym which was pretty cool, but we only did it for like a week one year
It’s really sad, I really liked him at one time - he used to make a lot of sense to my very lefty mind, and then at some point I realized the things he was saying were becoming more conspiracy than reality and that I didn’t really agree with him anymore. I like science and evidence, not crazy bullshit.