Do not disassemble.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I am mostly judging by the “hot” feed, since I only follow a few people that I knew via Twitter, and to a significant degree you’re right-- there was the same kind of drama on kbin and lemmy when I joined. (I checked out threads for ~30 seconds so I can’t say about there) I don’t remember anything like that on Mastodon, but I’m sure it’s there. It seemed more rapid-fire on bluesky. Specifically there seemed to be a lot of hate against the devs on Bluesky for various reasons.

    In any event, it’s a pretty big echo chamber right now but that’s to be expected while it’s in invite-only. I’m sure it will settle out when it opens up to the general public.

  • You don’t get to end the conversation except by not responding, haha.

    You keep using whataboutism as if that matters even a little. It does not. I am aware that there are worse licensing, but what does that matter? I am not using those products, either.

    I don’t see how this addresses why I should pay for commercial use but a freelancer does not need to. We’re both just one person. Why does the size of my company matter if I’m the only one using it? My company would definitely not pay for the license, because they aren’t directing me to use Obsidian. This is my point. They notes I take are only for my personal use; I do not share them with anyone at work. Because they’re personal.

    I do keep separate vaults, but that’s just for organization; the tagging situation got out of hand mixing them both in my previous notetaking app. Both vaults are on my phone; only the work-brain is on my work computer. And I do jot down notes during meetings to remember to ask certain questions. Never fear: I’ll use some other markdown app for that, haha. I will miss the plugins, though. In fact, you can recreate much of Obsidian in vscode server (self hosted); I used to use that before Obsidian but preferred something that didn’t need an internet connection. The plugin is called Foam.

    They are scummy because they “need” to get paid but don’t pay the plugin developers a cut, and the plugins arguably are the ones bringing value to their application; I confess that this is part of why I never even considered looking to see if there were licensing restrictions. How could they justify accepting payment when they rely so much on free labor from plugin developers to add value to their application? Which is why I made the incorrect assumption that they leveraged their services to make money.

    I am not profiting off their work at all. Or, no more than if I were to use a pen and paper to take the same notes. It was just simpler to have everything under the same familiar UI. Oh well.

  • It definitely falls under their definition of commercial use, yeah. But usually commercial use means “if a company is mandating it be used”. I can tell the licensing is insane because they don’t require this if it’s freelance work. What is the difference between me, one dude at my company, taking personal notes via obsidian, and some freelance developer using it in their business? Why does the number of people working at my employer make my use commercial?

    The licensing is very broad for the reasons I stated above.

    Second brain inevitably includes work-related stuff. So, no, not free for that use, right?

    I never called anyone evil or malicious. This is a strawman. Their licensing is unexpectedly broad, and it’s frustrating because I thought I’d found a second-brain solution, but it turns out I have not. I assumed (incorrectly!) that Obsidian didn’t care how their notetaking app was used, and leveraged the sync feature and the publish feature to make income. I set up my own sync solution (using a plugin!).

    The funny thing is that I have gladly paid for this kind of thing before; it’s not even really the money-- it’s how ridiculous the licensing is. It only makes sense if they meant it like I said above. Like, if I were to mandate that my team all use Obsidian, then I’d need to pay for commercial use, and buy a license for each team member-- that makes sense to me.

  • Finally you catch up. My own personal work notes; I don’t share them with anyone or anything like that. They are just to help me remember what was said in the meeting. That is not usually how “commercial use” is defined.

    I imagine Obsidian gets a lot of user via word of mouth. It’s definitely how I found it. And yeah, I’m going to point out anytime it comes up that the licensing is very broad and that if the intent is to be a second brain, to keep looking or pay. Does that sound vindictive? It seems pretty helpful to me. None of it is inaccurate. I certainly won’t be recommending it.

  • I am not the person writing a manual. Reading comprehension is key to having an intelligent discussion about any topic via text. Please pay attention.

    Obsidian says that if I take my own personal meeting notes in Obsidian, that magically makes it commercial use. That is what I’m complaining about.

    I explained why I chose Obsidian. I promise you very few people would use it without plugins. It’s not terrible or anything, but just lackluster. Without plugins it becomes far less useful. If tomorrow they said they were removing the ability to use plugins, would you continue to use Obsidian without them? I doubt it.

    It does matter because you made it about devs “needing” compensation. If you believe that, then it should translate to the people actually making Obsidian stand out: the plugin creators. No?

    You have no idea what moving the goalposts means. I am just extrapolating from your own stance. I already said I’m abandoning Obsidian. You seemed to think that was crazy, but also don’t seem to understand why Obsidian is hurt more by this decision than I am.

  • A vast majority don’t care how any individual uses them. They put collaboration features behind a paywall, but they also host the data. I liked the idea of hosting my files myself, which is what makes this all the more ridiculous. What extra cost does Obsidian incur whether I take a note about a book I read or I take a note about a meeting I was in?

  • Because my work notes are personal as far as I’m concerned. If my employer was telling everyone to use Obsidian that would be a different story. Their scope is too wide, and yes, it’s frustrating. Not to mention, the core obsidian application is lackluster at best; it’s the plugins that really make it stand out. How much of the money goes to plugin creators?

    Just scummy all around.