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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • Honestly? I wouldn’t trust a thing written by the BBC on this topic. Britain occupied Hong Kong for how long? Thatcher wanted to keep it going. They made tons of changes to create unrest and separatist movements.

    The bill was signed into law by the majority of the Hong Kong government. China didn’t impose it in Hong Kong, Hong Kong adopted it.

    The “widespread” condemnation came from the colonizers and dominators of China. Hardly a bunch for whom I give a shit about their opinions.

  • That article is from July. In August and in September there have been a large number of articles about why Ukraine can’t and won’t join NATO. Many NATO countries are putting requirements that Ukraine can’t meet. NATO itself is putting requirements that Ukraine refuses to meet.

    As for Ukraine giving up nukes thanks to the USA, I don’t think you understand anything about the situation. Ukraine was neutral and remained neutral as a condition of Russian national security. Ukraine having nukes meant Russia wasn’t going to invade it but also that the USA wasn’t going to invade it either. Having nukes meant Ukraine was stable and could remain neutral. Getting rid of Ukrainian nukes meant that suddenly conflagration was on the table. And the USA activated the Nazis and created a hot conflict back in 2008. 6 years later they supported the right-wing coup that wanted NATO, a transnational nuclear military, to establish it’s capabilities within the country. So now we have no nukes owned by Ukraine, a non-neutral Ukraine, and the march of a nuclear military to Russia’s border.

    So yes, you can decontextualize historical facts all day long to craft whatever narrative you want. When you put the history together, the actual trajectory becomes quite clear.

  • Try to do some reasoning here. The USA is the most violent country on the planet, responsible for more deaths than any other country in the modern era. The only country to use nukes on the battlefield and they used them kill civilians while negotiating a surrender. The country that enslaves the largest number of their own people for profit. The country that maintains fascism throughout the world.

    Russia isn’t allowed to do this because the USA is worse. Russia has no other choice but to push back the violent fascist nuclear military expansion of the USA because of it doesn’t the USA will have Russia in a kettle, surrounded by nuclear first strike capabilities. The last time the USA had even a modicum of influence over Russia it killed millions of Russians through economics alone. If the USA finally got NATO nuclear capabilities into Ukraine the way it’s been planning to do for 30 years against the protests of literally every sane person and also of Russian peace negotiations and national security concerns, it would be capable and has shown willing it would kill millions of Russians to balkanize it and turn it into a vast US military base, strip mine, and labor camp.

    The reality is that proxy wars kill tons of people, and the responsibility lies with the proxy master. In this case, Ukraine is the USA’s proxy in a war with Russia. The USA causes this war. Without the USA’s actions, Russia would have never needed to take Crimea, would have never needed to send troops to protect the Donbass, and would have never needed to launch this SMO. All of these innocent deaths are deaths in a proxy war launched by the USA.

    What’s insane is believing that the USA is “bad” but that everyone else is worse. What’s insane is believing that the USA killing millions of people and administration genocides continuously for a century is going to be resolved without war. The body count in Ukraine is on the hands of the USA and is still so much smaller than the rest of the USA’s body count. Ending US hegemony is the only way to save the lives of Innocents.

  • You mean the border that the Euro-Centric world has invaded Russia over twice, causing the deaths of millions of Russians each time? That border? The one which the world’s most advanced nuclear military has been marching towards for decades with an army explicitly designed to counter Russian technology? The one the US planned to install nuclear capabilities along?

    That border?

    The war is over the minute the USA comes to the negotiating table. They’ve been invited a dozen times over the last 20 years to come to some agreement that doesn’t involve dismantling MAD and establishing nuclear first-strike capabilities. They refuse and say it’s their right to dismantle MAD even if it means launching proxy wars and causing the death of millions of citizens in those proxies, even if it means arming and training Nazis through Operation Gladio, appointing Nazis to leadership of NATO, and vetoing all attempts by the international community to ban the glorification of Nazis through the UN.

    There is one root cause of this war, and it’s the USA. NATO officials have said it, the USA has said it, Russia has said it, China has said it, the academy has said it, the anti-war block has said it, BRICS+ has said it.

    The only people who think Russia is the problem here are you and your terminally online liberals.

  • NATO and the EU have been abundantly clear that Ukraine is not going to be admitted into NATO.

    The reason Russia invaded Ukraine is because the US was attempting to create the conditions for stationing nuclear capabilities along the Russia-Ukraine border. The same border through which Russia was invaded twice and cost them millions of lives. Are you saying they should have waited until the USA had successfully installed those nuclear capabilities before invading so that they would be invading a country with nukes? That would be daft suicide.

  • I’m so excited for you! You have so much history to learn about!

    But do keep cheering for a fascist dictator

    Fascism is, despite what liberals will tell you, not an abstract concept but rather a concrete historical phenomenon that gained it’s name during the rise of the anti-communist movement known as the Third Reich in Germany. Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Third Reich, wrote about his vision, motivation, ambitions, and inspiration in Mein Kampf. In it, he describes how much he admired the systems that the USA inherited from the Netherlands, France, England, and Spain and perfected - systems of slavery, apartheid, eugenics, prison labor, propaganda, cultural genocide, industrial mass murder, land appropriation, scientific racism, child separation, and permanent underclass maintenance. In Mein Kampf, Hitler details his aspirations to take the American system and use it to dominate the Slavs in the same way that the USA dominated indigenous and black peoples. In this way, we see how fascism was not born in Germany but rather named in Germany and born in the European colonies and most highly developed in the USA.

    When Germany turned the North Atlantic colonial project towards white people in Europe, it became something that challenged the USA’s burgeoning economic hegemony. It was allowed to proceed so long as it looked like it would destroy the USSR, which was the primary ideological threat to the North Atlantic project for global domination. But when the USSR demonstrated it was not merely capable of defending itself but of marching all the way across Europe and fully defeating history’s most advanced military at the time, the USA needed to intervene and ensure the USSR didn’t control the end state after having defeated 80% of all German troops.

    So the USA intervened and implemented Operation Paperclip where it protected Nazi members and officials and distributed them around the world, often in positions of power. It then built NATO and staffed it with Nazi officers and then executed Operation Gladio in which the USA coordinated, established, trained, armed, funded, and facilitated “stay-behind” militias of Nazis all over Europe. In this way, we see that the USA didn’t defeat fascism, it birthed it, internationalized it, protected it, incubated it, and used it to advance it’s aims.

    In a very historically accurate way, it is almost impossible to call Putin a fascist. The fascists have always been the white North Atlantians and they continue to be. In a very historical way, the Nazis in Ukraine are the result of Operation Gladio and the funding, training, supporting, and facilitation of those Nazis by the USA is in no way aberrant but in fact completely congruent with 80 years of USA activity in Europe.

    everything to oppose evil America, right? No matter how many innocents die.

    When you see it, you won’t be able to unsee it. America has killed more innocents than USSR+Russia has by at least one order of magnitude. Everything to oppose evil America is motivated entirely by the desire to minimize the total number of innocents killed. America will not stop when asked nicely. They have demonstrated this for the last 100 years of mass murder of innocents all over the world, so inevitably, any resistance of the USA will result in the death of innocents. The US pioneered the modern formulation of proxy war and it is incredibly deadly to innocents. This war in Ukraine is not different. It is a USA proxy war against Russia.

    If you don’t think America has killed that many innocents, just tally up the death tolls of indigenous Americans, blacks, and Asians domestically, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, The Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Ghana, Chad, Palestine, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Guatemala, El Salvador, Iran, Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay, Congo, Russia, Al-Qaeda, The School of the Americas, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, just to start your education.

    Stopping America will save more innocents than trying to save innocents by appeasing America.

    Happy reading! I hope you enjoy the learning process as much as I did!

  • People are allowed to disagree without engaging, engaging takes effort, labor. Hopefully that same recognition can be extended to the Hexbears. They don’t have an obligation to engage, engagement takes effort and it’s exhausting to do it over and over and over again against the same tired, uninformed, ignorant, bigoted, propagandized positions. When you’re a leftist online, it’s exhausting to have millions of people tell you you’re brainwashed for believing something counter to the dominant narrative we all grew up with. It’s just so ridiculous and engagement becomes laborious.

    But, it’s important to provide a counterweight to the overwhelming force of Western propaganda, so the Hexbears have adopted a strategy of psy ops to both express extreme conflict with liberal positions without having to engage in a way that’s laborious. In fact, dunking on liberals and making them uncomfortable becomes a form of self expression that rejuvenates the psyche.

    So, don’t apologize, thank you for expressing your disagreement and for keeping yourself safe from engaging in a way that harms you.

  • You don’t get to define imperialism as you see fit

    I don’t. I use Lenin’s work on the topic and all the people that came after him that used and refined it.

    but his ideologies aren’t all encompassing […] Lenin’s theory of imperialism being a stage of capitalism is a product of its time

    I don’t know any analysis that agrees with you. Unless you can back this up with actual analysis, I assume you’re just vibing in order to maintain your cognitive dissonance.

    Theories like historic materialism may be the best overarching theory of the motives of human conflict, but it leaves a lot to be desired when you try to utilize it to explain every conflict

    Oh, I see. So you think historical materialism is good except when its conclusions disagree with your liberal programming.

    Yes material needs might be the inherent reason for the racism that started the first war, but the fighters of the following reactionary wars aren’t going recognize that, or even remember the material needs being the base for their own racism.

    This is an individualist perspective, a liberal one. As though whether each individual is explicitly conscious of their interests matters. You’re not a Marxist. At least not yet.

    I believe the type of colonialism we have seen [from China] is more of a slow boil version of Americas expansion west, which involves more assimilation and subjection, and placation until the he local popular can be replaced.

    Based on exactly what? China has not expanded AT ALL. It’s reintegration of Hong Kong and it’s plan to reintegrate the island of Taiwan is not expansion, it is reclamation territory that was stripped by European intervention. There isn’t a theorist in the world that supports your conjecture. You imagine China is running a Han supremacist program based purely on what you understand America did. That is textbook psychological projection. Do some actual research.

    you assume that China would get the same benefit of colonialism that the West did

    Ahh yes, now you get to make claims for me. I sense a strawman argument coming around the corner…

    my point is that china is not immune to adopting certain aspects of western colonialism.

    You are literally claiming that China is doing imperialism and colonialism. They could be doing it thinking it will benefit them or they could be doing it thinking it will harm them. I assume you don’t imagine China is actively working to harm itself consciously, so the only option left is that China believes imperialism and colonialism will benefit them. They don’t believe this. They write about it all the time. The theory is clear and has been clear since Lenin. Imperialism is a dead end. China knows it, which is why your claim that it’s doing imperialism is ridiculous.

    China is actively working to undo the damage of colonialism qua the Western social phenomenon.

    That’s another unsubstantiated claim.

    My god. China quite literally says it out loud on a regular basis. Their state officials, their party announcements, their diplomats, it’s constantly said. Read. Don’t just vibe. Read.

    your logic is that if there were oppression going on that it would cause separatist movements, but according to you all separatist movements were started by western powers

    Again, read. Just do research. Taiwan has a separatist movement, it is part of Western programming. Hong Kong had a separatist movement, mostly youth. Their parents and grandparents literally threw the kids out their homes because those that lived under British rule have zero desire to go back and want to integrate. The Hong Kong movement itself was part of the British program. The East Turkestan separatist movement is a tiny group of extremists with a completely unsubstantiated interpretation of Islam that emerged around the same time the British and USA were meddling in the Middle East to create new Islamic extremist groups to fight communism. Tibet was a slave society and the Tibetan working class supported the ouster of the owning class. The British and the USA were involved heavily in supporting the owning class, to the point where the CIA has been working with Dalai Lama for decades. The Dalai Lama’s own brother wrote a book about how much he regrets working with the CIA. And Falun Gong is a cult and when they were pushed out of China they had no problem collaborating with the CIA and with fascists.

    I know it’s hard for you believe that you’ve been lied to so thoroughly, but that’s the reality. Harvard did a 15-year study of Chinese satisfaction with their government. The government has a 95.5% approval rating across that time. Completely unheard of in any Western country. There are no internal separatist movements because China has done a great job building a society that meets the needs of all its people, not just the Han majority. It’s not built on the contradictions of Western capitalism, it’s not built on the contradictions of Western colonialism, it’s not build on the contradictions of Western imperialism. It is explicitly seeking to build a society that resolves contradictions in order to proceed towards the future without the threat of collapse from the inside or defeat from the outside.

    considering the autonomous regions experience a significant amount of indigenous cultural practices on all dimensions

    You can’t substantiate that claim? There’s been plenty of evidence to suggest that indigenous cultures have plenty of limitations imposed by the state.

    Provide the evidence. The evidence we have includes literacy in indigenous languages being higher than anywhere in the West, more mosques per capita than anywhere in the West (and even more than some Muslim countries), validation of the claim by the Arab League, a coalition of 30 Muslim countries. What evidence do you have of plenty of limitations on indigenous cultures?

    It just sounds like the native people of Tibet are being pushed out of their own homeland

    The TAR is not their entire homeland. The TAR is a subset of their homeland. In the entire Tibetan region outside of the TAR, Han representation is decreasing, as per the article you pulled your numbers from.

    How does directing more funding to immigration than the entire autonomous regions gdp equate to social integration?

    If the TAR’s existing GDP is really really low, it’s easy to spend more than the entire GDP as a percentage. The TAR’s GDP is $31B USD. If GDP is useful (which generally it’s not, but let’s use it as a stand-in) for determining the economic vibrancy of a region, and that economic vibrancy is useful for general social integration and defusing conflict (which it is), then finding ways to improve the economic vibrancy of the TAR would be a priority of the state. Using the party secretary as one member of the TAR’s government, the secretary can identify what would be the most effective and most acceptable without causing conflict within the region. This is likely the outcome of many years of discussions, negotiations, and collaborative decision making. You don’t get 95.5% approval ratings by being Han supremacist and just throwing bodies around in order to outbreed minorities. Again, that’s what white people do, and it’s pretty obvious to anti-imperialists that they shouldn’t do it because it leads to contradictions that will unravel their entire society.

    And there isn’t a history of reeducation camps that have been accused of rape, family separation, and cultural repression in any autonomous zones?

    There’s a history of the West lying about these things, yes. You act like reeducation is a bad thing, which again means you haven’t read enough. Do you know how the PLA won the war against the KMT? There were PLA units that experienced greater than 100% casualty rates and still kept fighting. How do you keep fighting when all your soldiers are dead? The PLA won the war by perfecting reeducation. They captured KMT soldiers and then they socialized them into the PLA unit. They ate meals with them, they swapped stories, and they educated them. The KMT soldiers had been fed lies by the KMT about the evil commies, and the lies had to be more extreme than the KMT’s actual treatment of their soldiers. When the KMT POWs saw how the PLA treated them and the common folk, they eventually joined up with the PLA. This reeducation process has been a major part of the Chinese social fabric ever since the PLA was formed. Reeducation camps are working in China to reduce terrorist attacks by massive proportions. But the West continues to spread lies, and just like the KMT they have to make the lies extreme in order to make it look worse than what the West actually does and people see with their own eyes.

    In the TAR, the Tibetan language is used to conduct nearly all business and all education, from grade school through university. That is not colonialism.

    Lol, that’s like saying the US didn’t colonize Puerto Rico because they still use Spanish as the official language. China has jailed and killed hundreds of priest and nuns in the country, going as far as disappearing their religious leader.

    Look at the outcomes over the decades. Puerto Rico is getting picked apart, the TAR and Xinjiang are being developed. There is no comparison.

    it’s only not insidious if you ignore the possibility of ill intent

    I mean, this right here is a completely fallacious statement. I can fully embrace the possibility of ill intent, but that possibility doesn’t imply it’s insidious. You have taken a logical leap that is unfounded. I agree that the possibility is there, but the solution isn’t to fallaciously assume the possibility is reality but rather to use the possibility to guide your research. There is no data that bears out your accusations EXCEPT as comes from the US State Department and the propaganda machine of the West.