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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • They actually hate the left more than the far right.
    During this springs legislative campaign, they spent more time criticizing the left for being dangerous, proto-fascist and antisemitic than they spent criticizing the far-right for the same things.
    Meanwhile a few far-right candidates were seen wearing nazi symbols or heard saying fascist stuff.

    When choosing a prime minister, Macron chose one that the far right would approve (our National Assembly can refuse a prime minister and it’s government) instead of one the left would approve.

    Macron and his cronies are just simps for our millionaire and billionaire overlords, and they know the far right in France is more than ok with economical neoliberalism.

  • The sex trafficker can absolutely be tracked by doing old-fashioned police work: you spend time, money and energy to infiltrate the network, gain their trust and eventually take them down. But this requires police funding and training.

    “if you’re doing nothing wrong, then why do you need to hide it?” An age-old dilemma.

    It’s not a dilemma, the answer has been given multiple times: under the rule of law, law enforcement has to prove (or at least demonstrate a strong suspiscion) that you’re involved in illegal activities before they can intrude in your privacy.
    But with the advent of mass data gathering and the exemple given by the NSA, all law enforcement agencies dream to change this paradigm.

  • Thanks for sharing, this looks awesome ! I can’t waut for the opensource release.

    Btw, did I skip through the article too fast or is tomhardware unable to provide links in its content ? /rant

    Anyway, here are the ones that seemed relevant to me.

    Official website (kinda empty at the moment, but it’s going in my bookmarks)

    Author’s Youtube channel

    Hackernews original discussion in which the author states:

    Let’s be clear here, this is a toy. Beyond being a fun project to work on that could maybe get my foot in the door were I ever to decide to change careers and move into hardware design, this is not going to change the GPU landscape or compete with any of the commercial players. What it might do is pave the way for others to do interesting things in this space. A board with all of the video hardware that you can plug into a computer with all the infrastructure available to play around with accelerating graphics could be a fun, if extremely niche, product. That would also require a significant time and money investment from me, and that’s not something I necessarily want to deal with. When this is eventually open-sourced, those who really are interested could make their own boards.

  • You don’t get paid money “just for existing”.

    You get paid money to pretend you enjoy the company of the guy who tips, even if he’s the biggest piece of shit you’ve ever met. You get paid money not to hit him in the balls when he says sexist and degrading things about you. You get paid money not to break his nose when you hear him saying racist stuff to his friends. You get paid to say “remember, no touching” with a smile instead of pepper-spraying him when the guy touches your ass although you explicitely told him not to before.

    You don’t only get told you are beautiful and sexy. You also get told that you’ll only have value as long as people find you beautiful and sexy. You are not complimented on your ethics, your intellect, your achievements - and you know that these would not get you any tips if you didn’t have a body men 20 years older than you find beautiful and sexy.

    Please stop romanticizing sexual exploitation in a capitalistic world. It’s at least as stupid as romanticizing the grind, or the billionaire’s success.

  • I haven’t tried any of the following, just my 0.02.

    Idea0: is there any way to install your instance without using the setup wizard ?

    Idea 1: installing and older version (below 6.x) and upgrading it to current version ?

    The official documentation page about registration states:

    When deploying a self managed Rocket.chat >=6.x workspace you are automatically required to register your workspace upon completing the Setup Wizard

    According to the same page, for versions below 6.x you have to manually register your instance.

    Idea 2: I noticed a few references to air-gapped installations, and I guess they can’t be connected to anything from Rocket.chat HQ. Could Iistalling your server as air-gapped and completing a bogus registration work ?

    Official documentation page about Air-gapped installs registration

    Hope any of this helps. I’m quire surprised (and not in a good way) to see this mandatory requirement from Rocket.chat. Even if kt means functionality loss (access to their push notif framework for example) you should be able to decline it.

  • Neither a hexbear or a lemmygrad, but there are humans on both sides, I don’t see how you could deny that.

    Should the perpetrators be prosecuted and punished ? Of course, and I hope nobody ever argued the opposite.

    Should the current political, army and economy leaders be destituted, trialed and imprisoned ? Yeah, no doubt.

    But should all of Russia and its inhabitants be bombed “back into the stone age” ? I really dont’ think so. I mean, following this logic, we should bomb USA, most of Europe, China and probably many more countries where the authorities allowed and encouraged hateful and violent crimes to be commited for their own personal gain.

    I live in France, and we have a history of destroying lives in other countries for no real reason. French governement officials are more or less friends with industry ceos whose companies have used and still use armed militias to maintain instability in African countries via violence, intilidation, murder and rape in order to get resources cheaper. And it fucking sickens me. But most people here don’t even know about it, and we have (for the most part) free press.

    So I’m guessing it must be really difficult for a Russian resident to really know what’s happening in this war and on the frontlines, and I’d wager your average Russian doesn’t think torturing kids is ok.