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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • The scene is truly eternal. I’ve dipped in and out of it myself over the decades. It’s so incredibly rich.

    If you haven’t tried it I’d recommend checking out Doom Builder 2 and seeing how you like running around a room you just made. It’s addictive in a Minecraft-esque sort of way.

    I haven’t made a new map in years and I was just scratching out a level idea in a notebook just this Friday. I guess it never leaves you

  • Yeah, I saw that. See my edit. I’ve had a chance to play it and it is pretty good. Definitely not as good as the previous ports (I spotted some lighting glitches, artefacting, and mobs getting stuck on linedefs; dark rooms also do not look as “textural” as in previous ports – this is just what I spotted lazily playing through the first episode anyway).

    But the audio options are fun, and it’s nice to have an excuse to play through the whole series again (actually, I just played through Doom 1 last week and was about halfway through Doom 2, when I got news of this port (thanks to this post!), so that’s why the old ports are so fresh in my mind). Also, the achievements look actually attainable rofl, for those who like to get that 100%.

  • My main takeaway is that the original Dooms owe much of their cultural relevance to work done by the community for free, under the open source ethos.

    And then there’s the creative work done using those tools: thousands of hours worth of megawads, total conversions, one offs, and weird little experiments - that have been responsible for keeping Doom actually relevant.

    For decades, nothing new happened with Doom 1, 2, or 64, that wasn’t authored by us, and for free. The retro dooms weren’t exactly abandonware, but for all intents and purposes the franchise has been community run. Yeah you buy the official IWADs from their license holders, but that was the extent of it.

    Yes they have the legal right to charge for this work, but like, it’s not the coolest move given all the history.

    EDIT oh wait I read on a bit - it’s free? That changes things. Definitely wish it was more open, but at least it’s not a cash grab