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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • How am I criticizing a movement by making it aware that these things happen?

    makes you seem like you have an agenda, or in this case like you’re defending rapists.

    Oh fuck off, this conversation is done. If you genuinely somehow think it looks like I’m defending rapists based off what I said, then you are one of the last people who need to be involved in a legal movement. Remember, it is innocent until proven guilty, just because I’m not bloodthirsty to put someone in prison for twenty years before any evidence comes out doesn’t mean I do not support a movement whatsoever. I’m simply stating the fact that outliers like that HURT the movement, if you somehow cannot see that, then I cannot converse with you further.

  • 100% incorrect

    That’s not 100% incorrect because I actually know people like this. Yes it does not apply to everyone but to ignore that it has affected normal men to some capacity would be ridiculous.

    Keep in mind that I’m not saying there is anything wrong with #metoo itself, I think it is an awesome movement that helps put power in the hands of victims, I am simply stating that there are people who are not victims that abuse the movement for attention or financial gain which have hurt innocent PEOPLE, not just men. Everything good will always have a downside, that is just how it is.

  • There is nothing wrong with using substances (that do not cause a debilitation addiction/dependency)

    However, that doesn’t mean there is something wrong with NOT doing them either. There isn’t. It is absolutely your choice, if someone cannot respect that then you probably shouldn’t hang out with them at least in that context because they will keep pressuring you.

    For instance, I do not like alcohol, when I go to get fucked up with my buddies, I am not drinking alcohol because the high sucks and the comedown+after effects suck even more. My buddies who know understand this, but I have had friends who absolutely did not understand this and would pressure me into doing it all the time. Needless to say, I don’t go and get fucked up with them anymore.

  • Not to mention that some of the things speculated are not even things you can really give the dude shit about. So he went put with someone for 10 days and it didn’t work out? That automatically makes him a bad person. The boner thing can absolutely be excused too, the male body is literally designed to erect the penis upon physical stimulation. Some men can have this happen from friction of their clothes alone.

    Some of the other shit like the appropriate age thing is valid, but you can’t give him shit for the #metoo statement though because the news has created a scary place for men that are sexually active.

    Basically the main thing I got from this article is “Wow, Henry Cavill is a man with a penis, he should be demonized! He also values the source material in his roles as well, what blasphemy!”