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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • Most jobs like that, or really any pay scheme other than piece work or an hourly wage usually has the process of:

    1. You can take as much PTO as you like.
    2. You can take as much PTO as you like…provided you get all your work done.
    3. You work like a dog, get all your work done, and take time off.
    4. Since you were able to get everything done and have time left over to not work, your boss increases your workload, so now you have to work like a dog, all the time, or else you’ll never get everything done.

    It’s like playing chess, and while the other player can’t change the rules as they go, but a condition for playing with them is that they get two moves every turn.

  • Democrats want Biden to drop out because they don’t believe he can beat Trump.

    To this point: for those who think that, do they think anyone else realistically could, at this point, other than Biden?

    While I’m not thrilled with his chances, I will say that if he wasn’t to be the nominee, that decision needed to happen in 2021. At this point, I do believe that statistically, he’s got better odds than anyone else, so regardless of his debate or mental state, he’s our guy.

  • This is a good point, although maybe I’m just unlucky, but quite a few times over the years, I’ve encountered friends, and friends of friends, who were vegetarian or vegan and seemed to make a primary hobby out of shoe-horning that information into any and every conversation they could. And every time, it was very deliberately and openly presented in a way to praise themselves and demonize anyone not like them.

    Not only is food very foundational, as you’ve said, but I also strongly feel that a reason this particular set of -isms is such a lightning rod is because (perhaps due in large part to that foundational aspect of food in society), it seems like vegetarianism and veganism very much becomes who someone is, as opposed to simply describing an aspect of their lifestyle.

    Not only that, but it becomes a part of their Identity in a way that frequently impacts the people around them.

    So someone is a Catholic. That’s cool. I’m not one and I might have my issues with the Catholic church, but unless they’re extremely devout, chances are, their Catholicism is more “how they worship” and less “who they are” in everyday interaction. It just isn’t likely to affect me, and as such I’m much less likely to really care. As such, I’m cool with Catholics. Add to that: most Catholic people aren’t painting their religious belief in superiority either overtly or implicitly these days. They’re just going to mass on Sunday and doing their thing.

    On the other hand, someone is vegan. That’s also cool. I might have preferences and a lifestyle that conflicts with their views and vice versa but we can coexist, and our preferences on what to eat won’t ever lead to conflict between us, right? Well…if they’re a coworker…or a member of a friend group, now any and every time that group of people wants to eat, that foundational aspect of society, now the group must accommodate that -ism which they don’t share. And that’s probably fine for everyone in the group sometimes…and some of the group all the time…but generally speaking, looking at all of the group, all of the time, that’s statistically likely to eventually rankle at least a few people. Then, depending on the individual, there’s a very real chance that they eat with this group, some of which may already be annoyed by having their food options limited by the choices of this individual…and on top of it, that individual takes that opportunity to make a comment that invokes morality into the situation…and it should come as little surprise that this type of person gets a generalized negative reputation.

  • I think it’s mostly that it comes across more like religious proselytizing than “good advice”.

    Also, that “advice” is mixed in with just as much messaging about how fussy it can be and implications that you’ve got to basically be an enthusiast level user to make it work for you. Not that it necessarily is that way, but overall that’s the messaging I see from this community.

    As someone who tried Linux many years ago, disliked it, and went back to Windows, generally my take is that Windows is far from perfect, but it’s the best option for me, and I’m happy to try and ignore the Lemmy buzz around it…but that buzz just gets more and more annoying over time.

  • Not that I recall!

    The towel thing attained a new level the next year: he moved in with two of my other friends (who didn’t think to ask me instead, or even ask me about how he was to live with), and when they noticed the same behavior, they decided to test him: they put a few pieces of fruit under the other towels in his towel drawer to see how long it’d take him to get down there and find them.

    The fruit rotted and was stinking up the whole apartment and attracting flies before he noticed.

  • I had a roommate in college who just never washed his towel (singular) all semester.

    It was fucking disgusting and made the whole bathroom smell like BO, to the point that every time I needed to use the bathroom, I’d put on my trusty rubber gloves and throw it up against his door.

    His argument was that he only ever used it after he showered, on his clean body, so using it to dry a clean body was effectively washing it too.

    It became routine for me and the other roommate to warn him when we were bringing a girl over that if he didn’t get his towel out of the fucking bathroom, we’d exact nuclear revenge.