I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • It’s vulnerable people that the general people laugh, mock and say “glad that’s not me”.

    TLC is the new Jerry Springer only washed through a pseudo documentary style. There is nothing educational or informative about watching morbidly obese people ignore doctors and receive toxic “advice” from amateur fitness trainers.

    Watch what you like, but understand that it’s junk food trash TV. I enjoy trash like love is blind, so I’m no better, but at least that’s affluent conventionally attractive people harassing each other. Not gawking at the vulnerable and suffering.

  • If this is the first time you have heard this criticism, then I think you should try to be more engaged with those discussions, I worry you have used that copy/paste citation of fanfiction as opposed to actual understanding why people are upset.

    As I said before, I’m not super willing to go through every theme in the book I take Umbridge with (pun intended). I don’t have the time or emotional bandwidth to go through point by point. Shaun has a wonderful video doing exactly that. But briefly, I have no reason to think Sketer is trans, but Rowling is well known to use physical insults for characters that are morally wrong, such as the Durselys being fat. Rowling uses the description “man hands” and allusions to her dressing like a Drag queen, and changes her body to spy on children, a theme she follows up in her openly transphobic book Bad Blood. This also goes hand in hand with Rowlings racist naming convention, Cho Chang and Kingsley Shacklebolt just off the top of my head. Similar to the way Goblins are clearly using anti-sementic banker tropes. And finally while I agree that there are positive shapeshift characters in the books, but the concept itself is very clearly an allegory for HIV/AIDS with their transmission fears.

    Game of Thrones definitely isn’t becoming a democracy during the books

    Game of Thrones isn’t about bringing democracy to westoros, thats not a theme at all, historical realism IS a major theme so democracy would be entirely out of place. Plus an extremely mature book aimed at mature audiences. Conversely, Harry Potter is a book aimed at children ostensibly about defeating racists that use slurs like “mudblood” who want to enslave muggles. Which makes it odd that Harry himself keeps his house elf slave because the slave “enjoys it”, which was another major criticism of slavery abolition. The reasons cited in the book for why racism is wrong is that “some of those mudbloods turned out to be great wizards just like Hermonine” as opposed to “its wrong to subjacate anyone based on bloodline”, Harry and Hagrid only talk about how useful those subjugated people could be to the general population, not the intrinsic rights that humans deserve.

    But that is me trying to be brief, and not at all what I wanted to talk about anyways. I do not want to discuss the text any further. You can read whatever you like and from the start I said I would never try to take it away from anyone even if I personally find it hateful. What I am asking is to stop promoting the works of bigot who is doing materal harm to peoples lives. I can’t and work control your actions, I am just please asking you to be more critical of the author your community is celebrating. Its easy enough to say you disagree with her, but actions speak louder than words. And instead of citing papers about the health of fanfiction, perhaps actually listen to the trans community when they talk about the harm they have suffered from her actions and propaganda.

    I will take your word that Gabe has allowed the community, cleary it still exists. But by his own words he appears openly uncomfortable with it. Of course, the views of one person who literally said they don’t want to speak on the behalf of the trans community should not weigh to heavily on this topic anyways. It feels gaslighting to cite him and the paper as reasons why the trans community is wrong about HP, instead of actually listening to harm.

    TL:DR, this whole interaction is longer than I wanted it to be, I kept my original comment succulent in politely asking you to reconsider. I may not reply again for my own mental health, but let me simply say you are of course entitled to do as you wish. Just please put more effort in to understanding why people want you to stop.

  • I don’t really engage in this community because of the discomfort Harry Potter generally brings me. I was honestly a bit relieved when it died.

    The whole thing just upsets me honestly. Seeing the conflict is painful.

    I don’t understand how you interpret this to think he approves. Twice now it seems like you are just reaching for “another person said it was okay” without really digesting what they said. Where exactly did they say they were okay with this community? It seems like they very much said the opposite.

    there’s a big difference between consuming public domain work made by awful people who no longer receive profit whilst consuming work by a woman who is actively engaging in political campaigns to make trans peoples lives worse with the profit she still receives.

    Which makes it very different than Poe, Doyle or Seuess that were named in that thread. She is alive and well, and using her platform and fan base to produce more hateful texts. (Bad Blood)

    The core text of Harry potter itself has many ableist (Durdsley), racist (House elves enjoying slavery) , antisemitic (goblins) and transphobic (Rita Skeeter) themes even if it surface level against racism. His discomfort at the antisemitic tropes are entirely understandable, and while that is not something I am going to claim hurts me, it does seem to hurt Gabe.

    As I said before, I’m not going to force you to do anything. Just please understand how you continued celebration of Rowling and her work is hurting others.

  • Thank you for the reply, but I don’t see how that is relevant, you didn’t link to a queer fan fiction community.

    Linking to a cis author who said that some fan fiction theoritcally helps some queer folk instead of listening to the trans community that is actively being hurt in substative ways by the celebration of Rowlings current work, not fan fictions, is sort of indicative of how much you actually care about this topic. Your link is filled promotion for her shows, art and discussion of Rowlings work. I’m sure you have been criticized before, but I feel like you are using an one-size-fits-all copy/paste as cover instead of actually engaging with what I, and the trans community, are saying.

    I’m not going to argue, this isn’t how I wish to spend my time. All I can do is please ask you to stop and hope one day you will rethink what you’re doing.

  • Please stop.

    JK sees the continued support of her work as proof that her views are supported. She is doing active harm to people lives. I know it’s common to say seperate the art from the artist, but that only applies to the dead. Rowling is alive and using her profits to write hateful proganda and restrict healthcare from an already marginalized group. I’m not ever going to tell someone what they can and can’t read, just please recognize the harm it does by promoting her. It’s the same as promoting the works of David Duke.

    Thank you.

  • I actively enjoy cooking, but it’s shocking and shameful how little a classic education does for one of the most fundamental aspects of living your life. Nearly every relationship I’ve been in I have the been the primary chef for, purely because I know the basics. Home Ecc should be a mandatory class because every single one of us needs to eat and should be able to provide a solid meal for ourselves (and it should also include finance education but that’s a whole other thing). I don’t put the fault on any individual person for not knowing, but it is a skill that EVERYONE should foster.

    Check in to the American test kitchen YouTube for all sorts of advice, or go to the library and check out their extensive catalog. You’d be suprised how easily obtainable restaurant quality food is from your own kitchen.