Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • It’s really weird … after the war, it was perfectly acceptable to call out, accuse and point fingers at communists or communist sympathizers as enemies of the state … many of these people had fought as our allies a few year prior and helped to win the war.

    At the same time, we were welcoming Nazis and Nazis sympathizer into the country - many of whom were the same people our veterans had fought against a few years prior - and then allowed them to gain wholesome productive and wealthy lives in complete secrecy because government knew that it no one would like that.

    It was far easier to be a Nazi or a Fascist after the war than it was to be a communist or socialist.

    The stigma is so great that no one even wants to admit it even today.

    It’s no wonder that far right ideology is so prevalent these days. It’s a cancer we never wanted to fully immunize ourselves from. And now its coming back and we still won’t admit we suffer from it.

  • Not only is it stupid for exaggeration but for also glossing over the idea that it’s logical, sensible or moral for any person to own so much wealth that they would never be able to enjoy even just 1% of that during a single lifetime.

    It’s completely absurd also from the thought that as one person owns enough wealth to pay for the lives of millions of people … millions of people are living in complete poverty and starvation.

    We look through ancient history and laugh at the thought of our ancestors who worshipped kings, queens, god men, emperors and all powerful leaders … we’re still doing the same thing.

    These thoughts don’t just reflect on people like Musk but on all of us for thinking and accepting that this is all normal behavior for what we all like to think is a modern sophisticated society.

  • WTF … that was a great place and a classic restaurant I always went to when I was in the city. This is an historic place that shouldn’t even be allowed to close.

    I would rather see places like this in a downtown core than another fast food junk joint or another over priced coffee shop.

    It’s about as close as you’re going to get to visiting a country German restaurant outside of Germany.

  • If a leading Nazi could easily go into the ranks of the US government and kick start its space program that eventually led them to land on the moon and everyone was perfectly OK with that … then it would become much, much easier to ignore every lesser Nazi that ever came out post World War Germany.

    Look up Operation Paperclip and look up the history of Wernher von Braun

    In post war Canada as many critics have pointed out … it was far easier and more acceptable to be a former enemy Nazi and Fascist … then it was to be a former war ally socialist or communist.

    Our ancestors and relatives who fought in this war against one ideology came home after the war to mix with the same people they fought against supporting the same ideology they had just fought against a few years prior.

    The worst part of this history is that Nazism and Fascism is like a cancer that we allowed to stick around after the war and we literally fostered and grew it ever since and now we are dealing with it all again … all because a small group of entitled morons, millionaires and billionaires were afraid of a bit of socialism that could have spread the wealth a bit to everyone else.

  • “Poverty exists not because we cannot feed the poor, but because we cannot satisfy the rich.” - anonymous quote

    These problems are never originated by the poor, they are created by the wealthy. It’s an age old practice of the wealthy to create inequality and then blame the poor for not being lucky enough to be rich. Many writers and thinkers have understood this problem for centuries but too many powerful people take advantage of the ignorance of the population.

    Who is the smart ethical individual?

    Someone who steals food because they have no other way of getting any?

    Or the billionaire who doesn’t need any more wealth to live a long fruitful existence but still decides to consciously increase the cost of the food he sells in order to make himself even more wealthy?

    “If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin but he who causes the darkness” - Victor Hugo.

  • They should just nationalize politics across the entire system.

    Anyone or any business that wants to contribute money to politics only has the opportunity to send funds to a general public non-aligned, non-affiliated national organization.

    All the money is then equally distributed to nationally recognized and approved political leaders across the board.

    The way its set up now is basically a system to maintain an oligarchy, aristocracy or plutocracy … it definitely is not democratic. The current system runs on money and whoever has the most of it gets to have all the power and control. It doesn’t run on the voice of the people, the will of the people or even the participation of the people … it’s all just a glorified money system that is basically the playground for the rich and powerful.

    Always has been … always will.

  • My grandfathers on both sides of my family Indigenous family were conscripted into the First World War … they were promised pay, money, land, animals, all they need to build a farm in northern Ontario when they returned. They were gone for over two years … one never came back, the other was dropped at a train depot near Chapleau and told he could go home … hundreds of kilometers away in the bush with nothing, no boat, no money and only the supplies he could get together. All the men in his group from our families were like that, some dropped off in the middle of winter, some in the summer, some in the spring run off, others in the fall as winter was approaching. And when they got home, all the money had been taken away from the Hudson Bay Company to pay for imaginary made up ‘debts’ and the remainder taken by the church for ‘donations’. No land, no money, no animals, no supplies … everyone was suspicious of the church during that whole period because they suddenly had a good supply of farm animals delivered up to them.

    When the Second World War came along … all the old veterans told their sons not to bother because it was senseless and they would get nothing out of it.

    When rich people can’t get along, they send poor people to fight their battles, while the wealthy also make profit from the event and leave the poor to die everywhere.

  • "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.

    People like to think that the past is the past and that we have evolved beyond the pitfalls of what people experienced decades ago … we like to think that we are far more enlightened, smart, intelligent and capable than people a generation or two ago.

    Unfortunately, what no one seems to understand or realize is that we are just as dumb (or smart) as the people who lived in the 1930s

    The laws of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, direction and misdirection are as alive and instrumental now as they were a hundred a years ago.