• 12 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2024


  • Different people have different ideas of retrogaming, I guess you can say. Some will see it purely as playing those old games from the past exclusively, others will see things like this - rom hacks - as being part of that, some others may consider games that have a retro style as being part of it as well. When it comes to what I post here, I stick to things that I think people that come here might be interested in and just let the upvotes/downvotes decide.

  • The game’s story is thread-bare and incomprehensible in places because a bunch of stuff got cut extremely late to get the game out the door. The entire Zack thing. Yuffie and Vincent had almost everything related to them cut out entirely. And then there was the english localization which fixed some of those issues but added more of its own with the pretty bad translation making things even harder to figure out. Square would end up doing the same thing but far far worse with Xenogears with large chunks of the game removed and replaced with text at the beginning of the second disc to give one example.