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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • But I’m not seeing them hurt! Neither are you! You’re seeing news reports and things that are spun to make you feel bad. You aren’t over there right now witnessing it with your very eyes.

    I bet you’ve never even witnessed real combat death or even so much as a violent car collision.

    So again - stop, fucking, putting, words, into, my, mouth.

    I find no enjoyment in hurting other people - which is why it doesn’t bother me; Because I’m not doing it!

    Is not the same as

    I don’t enjoy hurting people but also don’t care when I see them hurt

    It’s simply not. You’re adding the seeing part to the equation. Learn to read. Learn to understand.

    I don’t fucking watch TV. I don’t ingest tiktok, or facebook, or fox, or cnn, or msnbc, or instagram, or much social media at all. I don’t see it. I don’t care about it. It doesn’t show in my feeds. It doesn’t affect my life.

    And you know what? The same goes for you. There’s a million atrocities going on in the world right now; you’re ignorant to 99.9999% of them. And you don’t want to know about them. Because you’d be so overloaded your head would spin.

    The difference between me and you, is that I know that I don’t know about them, and I prefer it that way. I don’t need to fight for every single cause that passes in front of me.

  • Most humans cannot enjoy food if they were watching someone starving to death in front of them, let alone knowing that person is dying and they could feed them to save their lives.

    Yeah, same for me. But that’s NOT what’s happening, and you’ve let your hyper-altruism cloud your judgement. Nothing I do changes anything that happens over there. So why worry about it? Why upend MY life, and put MY life in danger for it? Normal people don’t do that. You’re a bleeding heart - most people don’t care. That’s just normal humanity.

    And again - with the rape argument…what in living fuck? You think I consider myself responsible for what my government does? HELL fuck no I don’t. You have absolutely no effect on their decisions, so why do you think you do? You’ve used Hyperbole to make your argument seem stronger than it is.

    It’s simple. Americans have a good life. There’s no reason for them to leave their good life, to go fight for a people who have nothing to do with them.

    Again - bleeding heart. You’re so concerned about shit that has nothing to do with your day-to-day life. Shit is far too stressful for me to deal with, I’m busy enough trying to keep my head above water for some middle class gated community bleeding heart to tell me I should feel bad for something I – Have no part of, Have no effect on, cannot change, and that doesn’t affect my life whatsoever.

    I find no enjoyment in hurting other people - which is why it doesn’t bother me; Because I’m not doing it! Humanity are a bunch of violent apes, and there is not enough time in anybodies singular life to concern themselves with every fucking atrocity being committed. I’ll be more concerned with helping the homeless in my own country, than shit going on half way across the world because a country allowed a terrorist organization to run rampant.

    Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have attacked Israel? – why aren’t you talking about THOSE lives lost? Why aren’t you concerned with the lives THEY have taken? Probably because you’ve been taken by Iran’s online psyop.

  • Imagine giving your life up for something that doesn’t affect you. I get the whole being altruistic part, but with these people it goes too far.

    You don’t see multi-generational Americans going over there and protesting for this stuff, because they are detached from it. Race doesn’t have anything to do with it.

    yeah a true pure-blooded American shouldn’t give a fuck if a genocide was on half way across the world even if their hard-earned tax was directly paying for the salaries and equipments used in those war crimes, and their country weapons were dropping on refugee tents burning hundrends to death in the most horrific ways.

    Yeah. Basically. The US Military is the our largest employer. Arming other nations has benefits for us - We still get to fund our military, we still get to produce weapons, and we aren’t risking our own soldiers lives in conflict. Is it inhumane? That’s arguable. On a personal/individual level, yes - on a larger scale, it’s pretty par for the course. I’d argue that the liberties that Muslim countries strip from women, lgbt, etc is a large enough negative that replacing it with a more tolerant one is a net positive.

  • I can understand how difficult it would be to call your son or daughter by a different name. But if I am introduced to someone, and they tell me their name is Molly; I’m gonna call them Molly. You’d have to be a real piece of work to go out of your way to call them something else.

    But then again, paperwork and role call, etc for the school – How was that printed out? Because I am fucked when it comes to names and remembering shit. If roll had “Greg” printed on it, but Greg wanted to be called “Molly”; I’d have a hard time flipping that in my head every day when I’m reading one thing and having to change it to another. It’s like that mental test where you read the word “Blue” but the word is in red and you’re supposed to say what color the word is.

    So I’d like to know - did identification from the school match their preferred names? If not; why not? The school might be just as at-fault here.

  • It’s not really the number of companies that determines this, but rather the lack of any real competition. A small enough number of companies makes this more likely, so there’s not likely a hard number of say…over 5 companies isn’t an oligopoly, they can still be - so long as they’re all focused on each other. If you see 1 company raise it’s prices and all 4 others do too, then it’s still an oligopoly. Because even though they aren’t actively getting together, and saying “hey let’s all raise our prices!”, (collusion) - the effect is the same.

    It ceases to be that when barriers to entry don’t stop new competition from entering, and competition is active. (at least, that’s the simplified answer; there’s some more nuance to it, but that should at least give an overall understanding)

  • I’m complaining about the lack of something real ever happening to these companies. Just because you’re too ignorant to understand what is(n’t) going on here, doesn’t mean that I’m complaining just for the sake of it.

    Duopolys aren’t any better than Monopolies, except for the illusion of choice. They’ll move lock-step in line with one another, just like duopolys do, they’ll still use the same anticompetitive practices, but instead of getting fucked by one dick, now you’re getting fucked by two.

    I’m glad you like being fucked so much that you’re rejoicing over this news, but I’d rather there be real competition.

      • Learning. If you ever found yourself tired of learning new things, your life is basically done.
      • Cost. You already have an internet connection at home. It’s practically a necessity these days. The connection is likely fast enough for most things. Renting even the most piddly of VPS is wildly expensive. Just throw a spare machine at it and go wild.
      • Freedom. Your own data is constantly being collected, regurgitated, and sold back to you. More people need to care about this incessant invasion of our lives.
      • Backups. 3 copies, on different forms of storage, in multiple PHYSICALLY distinct locations. Just when you have that teeny little imp in the back of your mind say “hmm, I should probably back up soon” – stop everything you’re doing and run a backup.
      • Test your recovery! Backups are only good if you can recover from them. Many have lost data because they failed to ever fail-test their backups.
      • Google. Legitimately the best skill you can ever attain is simply being able to search effectively and be able to learn jargon quickly. Once you have the lingo down, searches become clearer, quicker, more precise.

  • kitnaht@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldUses for local AI?
    2 months ago

    Those were statements. Statements of fact.

    Once the models are already trained, it takes almost no power to use them.

    Yes, TRAINING the models uses an immense amount of power - but utilizing the training datasets locally consumes almost nothing. I can run the llama 7b set on a 15w Raspberry Pi for example. Just leaving my PC on uses 400w. This is all local – Nothing entering or leaving the Pi. No communication to an external server, nothing being done on anybody else’s server or any AWS instances, etc.