Expert developer, Buddhist

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Are you high?

    Why am I writing this post? Not because I hope for something or believe in change. These are just words. I could write this at the end, but then you would be looking for answers for me while reading, and I don’t need them. They won’t change anything.
    So here it is. I don’t claim to be a software development guru or a C language expert. I’m just a simple developer.

    What? People stopped using C because it takes forever to write. You’re still stuck adding null terminators to string arrays and stressing about memory leaks and overflows. Even the Linux kernel / Linux Torvalds are moving towards Rust. That’s evolution, and sometimes evolution is messy

    Then the rest of your thing seems to be about how people shouldn’t make money from coding? That’s one of the most valuable skills of the information age, and you can become a millionaire in a decade doing it

    Just contribute to open source if you want to do some “good deeds”

  • I often felt that current ML speeds up newbie devs by effectively teaching them the language and libraries — but slows down experts that already know the stack well from memory. I started coding in a new language and system, and ML can be a bit faster to teach me things and provide simple snippets than stack overflow

    But over time I’ve learned that there are very specific things that ML can do really well, and I can save time when I apply those techniques. For example, it’s excellent at converting from one language or style to another, ex migrating configs from json to yaml. It’s also pretty good at writing configs or generating template code based on them. It’s good at picking an emoji from a list. It can write small functions or provide a template html layout. So I humbled myself and started integrating it into my workflow where it actually works

  • Really annoys me that Apple has a policy of no more updates after 7 years (or when they change the CPU architecture enough) — that’s hardcore planned obsolescence & I think it made their hardware quality worse over time (in addition to being unrepairable)

    Super lame. While I’m ranting, their trade in program is a scam that doesn’t pay out almost ever. And otherwise they will “recycle it for free” making money Im sure

    So yeah I’m pretty sure the era of MacBook superiority is over & imma buy a considerably higher spec System 76 laptop instead which comes with a repair bible for pretty much every scenario and is upgradeable

  • What Bartsbigbugbag meant to say is “the US has been actively inching closer to China for decades and has completed a full military base / trade wall that spans across the entire set of islands - Japan, Taiwan, Philippines - outlining the entire east / south China seas and reducing China’s economic/military power”

    China has ample reason to be pissed at this. It’s actually a very impressive contain if you look at the positions of our military bases and trade routes. But it’s also just normal Risk-style territory control that all superpowers play with. Nobody is really the bad guy here, and the island countries like their situation - like Japan, historic enemy of China - gets to enjoy doing nothing while America basically runs their entire military for them

    5 months ago

    Shout-out to the Flutter-Dart stack that Google made. Neither are outstanding, but Flutter compiles to native code for every platform including mobile and web. This is way more convenient than React Native (which funny enough doesn’t really work on web). Dart is a much saner lang than JS and the UI framework is much saner than React. Dependency management is fast and easy without NPM and webpack trash. So for my recent project I embedded a flutter app inside a static website, and can also have it run native on desktop or wherever. The only real downsides are an extra 1.5mb load for the dart runtime stuff, and some need to fiddle with platform specific issues and configs. Upside is I need neither xcode nor node

    5 months ago

    Well configuring NeoVim is basically game development / modding. But yeah it’s built as an embedded mostly single thread thing so. I also used it for AwesomeWM many years ago, whole thing was lua. I do think it’s one of the most elegant languages ever designed, with it’s very simple table/metatable mechanics