maegul (he/they)

A little bit of neuroscience and a little bit of computing

  • 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2023


  • Cheers for the shout out! Yea the idea of that community is to be a kind of study group.

    Whenever I’ve posted a thought or idea, that’s part question part experiment part pondering, I’ve gotten great replies from others.

    Also two people have been running twitch streams of running through the book. Sorrybook is nearly done I think (they’ve been going for half a year now which is quite impressive).

    The community is at a point now I suspect where some of us have learnt rust well enough to spread out into projects etc, so it’d be nice to work out how we can do that together at all.

    Part of my initial idea with the community was to then have a study group for working through the lemmy codebase, treating it as a helpfully relevant learning opportunity … as we’re all using it, we all probably have features we’d like to add, and the devs and users of it are all right here for feedback.

    Additionally, an idea I’ve been mulling over, one which I’d be interested in feedback on … is running further “learning rust” sessions where some of us, including those of us who’ve just “learned” it, actually try to help teach it to new comers.

    Having a foundation of material such as “The Book” would make a lot of sense. Where “local teachers” could contribute I think is in posting their own thoughts and perspectives on what is important to take away, what additional ideas, structures or broader connections are worth remembering, and even coming up with little exercises that “learners” could go through and then get feedback on from the “teachers”.

  • I guess unless you use a Mac or something I don’t know.

    Yea … you can just use a Mac.

    I switched … back in 2006 after being fed up with MS BS. Haven’t looked back. Since then I’ve had 2 laptops. That’s it.

    The current one is getting old now, sadly, but part of the trick with Apple is timing your purchases for when they kinda nail the product in the particular design cycle. Don’t buy when they do something new for the first time, aim for near the end of a design cycle generally. And don’t get base specs, add RAM and disk space (perhaps through extended 3rd party devices). And their machines can be very useful for quite a while.

    Of course there’s Linux, but you’ll know if you’re ready for that.

  • Yep this. I knew people in FMRI research about 5-10 years ago, and the word was that everything before then may be all wrong or unreliable. The field was yet to get a grip on what it was doing.

    And even then, I couldn’t help but be suspicious at what I saw in the nature of the field. It seemed very opportunistic and cavalier about how wonderfully easy it was for them to gather large amounts of data and perform all sorts of analysis. My bias being that I was more of a wet lab person envious of how easy their work seemed. But still it all seemed like a way too comfortable stretch.

  • And it feels ever more present to me that publishing things as open-source means maintenance work, which can quickly lead to burnout. People just expect you to provide updates, no matter what your license text says.

    David Beazley, big in the python world and one of the OGs of the python ecosystem from back in the 90s, kinda had a moment about this a couple of years ago.

    He has or had a few somewhat popular libraries and liked to write things and put them out there. But, IIRC, got fed up of the consumeristic culture that had taken over open source.

    I think he put it along the lines of “The kind of open source I’m into is the ‘here’s a cool thing I made, feel free to use it however you want’ kind” … and didn’t have positive things to say about the whole “every open source author is now a brand and vendor” thing.

    The result of which, IIRC, was him archiving all of his libraries on GitHub. From a distance, it also seemed like he felt burnt out from a hacking culture in which he no longer felt like he belonged.

  • Edit: oh god, what have I done! Yea, mobile + autocorrect got me good here.

    Hopefully corrected version here with original below …

    So my hot take since before launch has been that this will be the end of Tim Cook‘s tenure. The more they lean into the product, as it seems they will with the next model, the more likely that seems to me.

    Roughly speaking, I get the feeling it’s the first wholly new product pushed by Cook. And a big flop is never good for Apple‘a brand power.

    How off do you think I am?

    So my hot take since before launch has been that this will be the end of Tim Cook‘s tenure. The note they mean into the product, s as it seems they are with the next model, the more likely that seems to me.

    Roughly speaking, I get the feeling it’s the first wholly new product pushed by Cook. And a big flop I’d never good for Apple‘a brand power.

    How off do you think I am?

  • A saddening phenomenon that’s likely to happen if this continues … is people opening up about how they saw the decline way before the debate but presumed it was a “one off” or “bad night”. I think it’s already started somewhat.

    But the picture that could emerge with pretty high clarity is that “the issue” was covered by an inner group and ignored by those peripherally exposed to it … all instead of the party preparing for it, preparing new potential candidates, and taking seriously the notion from Biden in 2020 that he wouldn’t run in 2024.

    Losing to Trump a second time by sticking to a party elder is going to be a big deal (if it happens of course). It will probably look more like the Dems losing than trump winning, and it prob will look like the Dems allowing it all to happen out of hubris and stupidity, not unlike the RBG fuck up. Could seriously shake the party up?

  • Every browser released since 2020 supports this

    It’s a little paranoid of me, but I like the idea that a basic web app I make can be thrown onto any old out of date machine, where ~2015 or younger seems about right for me ATM.

    You mean the Html template Element? I’ve never really got that to work, but I also never seriously tried.

    Yea. From memory, it’s just an unrendered chunk of HTML that you can select and clone with a bit of JS. I always figured there’d be a pattern that isn’t too much of a cludge and gets you some useful amount of the way to components for basic “vanilla-js” pages, just never gave it a shot either.