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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • You can’t really describe colors to someone blind from birth. They just have no reference or mechanical ability to be able to see it.

    Someone below linked a Tommy Edison video (it’s a good watch, as is pretty much everything on his entire channel) where he talks about how people have tried to describe color to him all his life, but nothing they’ve said has ever actually made him see a color. He doesn’t see anything, he doesn’t have a working optic nerve.

  • If nothing else… $$$.

    People can get a well-working, basic washlet / bidet to install under their toilet seat for as little as $20 - $30 USD on Amazon. It reduces your TP usage so much that it will pay for itself within a year at most… likely faster.

    I used to go through several rolls a week (I felt like I was personally killing a rainforest, but I can’t stand not being clean). After installing my first bidet a few weeks back, I now only use a little to dry, and to double-check that I didn’t miss anything. I’d estimate that it reduced my TP usage by probably 80 to 90%.

    That’s going to be a not insignificant chunk of change saved over the years.

  • That doesn’t fix YouTube’s core issues with the ads that they run, impacting every free user without an ad blocker: 1) Not 100% safe 2) Unscrupulous advertisers, sometimes running scam ads 3) Poor user experience re: ads (far too many in general, and multiple mid-roll ads per video make for a horrendous time).

    I’m not going to reward them for these misbehaviors toward their user base by buying their “Premium” service. Same for any other site that does this and offers a “Premium service” to fix the problem that they, themselves, created. There are ways to have safe ads, and fair user experience even with them in play.

  • Google needs to understand, that is not a choice that they have.

    So much of the internet is covered by sites that don’t take the time the vet their advertisers and the ads that are being placed on their platform.

    Advertisers who, in turn, advertise on legit sites spreading scams and malware wherever they go, and Google and YouTube are no exception to this. These companies really brought The Age of the AdBlocker on themselves, by not making sure that the ads they are allowing on their platforms are safe for users.

    So now, me and about a bajillion other people are in a position where we don’t go out onto the internet anymore without protection. Ad blockers for everyone.

    So, YouTube’s actual choice is this: do they want me to continue to visit their site and drive their traffic metrics?

    Because that’s all they are getting from me, and if they find a way to disable all ad blockers, than they are clearly saying that they don’t want me and others like me to boost their visitor numbers. Simple as that.

  • People have been talking about Digg in context to the last large exodus involving Reddit, but prior to all that conversation I’d never heard of it (joined Reddit a few years after that was history).

    Just took a look at it, and… what am I looking at? It was supposed to be the predecessor to Reddit, but it looks like an early 2010s news site.