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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You can’t really even find a 10+ TB SSD easily right now let alone anything approaching 20, so it’s a moot point for now anyway. All that pricing stuff is cyclical though. There was a big spike in SSD prices a couple years ago prior to that huge price drop we just saw. It’ll come back down again eventually.

    We just moved over to a HDD setup recently because I had run out of space on SSD and the amount of space is great, but I forgot how much I hate HDD seek and transfer times and I’m not gonna invest in RAID for now so I guess this is my life.

    Might be smart to maybe keep my most active shows on an SSD and the rest of the catalog on the HDD.

  • It wasn’t publicly spoken about much from what I understand, but headsets were sent to some select developers within a month or so of the announcement. A buddy of mine was working at a company that is basically totally AR/MR focused and they had around 3 units for development purposes. Disney had to have had them even sooner because they were demoing Disney stuff right at the announcement.

    I wouldn’t be totally surprised if the Apollo guy was one of them. He’s an ex Apple employee and Apollo got called out or at least shown in Apple keynotes multiple times before it shut down.

  • Sure feels like they timed this IPO pretty badly. I think the ideal time to strike on this would have been a few years ago… Based on market conditions anyway. Reddit itself may just not have had their ducks lined up enough, but that’s their problem, not the stock market’s.

    • Tech stocks trading sideways for the last year or two
    • The interest rate money printer got shut off and cash is not cheap anymore
    • Seemingly all the major new tech stock investment interest is circling around stuff like AI
    • Federated alternatives are slowly building steam and people seem to have gotten pretty salty about corporate social media
    • The pandemic is more or less over and people have pulled back from being chronically online somewhat (this is my guess, I don’t have data to back it up)

    Also what exactly is the monetization strategy? Ads I guess? More catering towards creating corporate “synergy” with the Reddit community? Selling user data/content? So basically making the place suck considerably worse for users is what it looks like to me.

  • Here’s what that Mark Gurman dude (Apple/Tech journalist for Bloomberg) tweeted about it:

    The Vision Pro virtual keyboard is a complete write-off at least in 1.0. You have to poke each key one finger at a time like you did before you learned how to type. There is no magical in-air typing. You can also look at a character and pinch. You’ll want a Bluetooth keyboard.

    So sounds like its either poke or look + pinch gesture and both options suck for a keyboard. I just think a virtual keyboard is a very difficult problem to solve for for several reasons which is why every attempt at them thus far has been shit.

    And that’s kinda the whole problem with VR/MR. It’s some of the absolute hardest computing and optical and battery hardware and UI challenges we can find, all bundled into one product. It’s just an incredibly steep task and a lot of the solves aren’t even really a matter of “oh this is expensive” as much as it is “we’re not sure if this is even possible right now.”

    I really hope we eventually get a fully mature device. I quite like VR and see so much potential in it.