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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve used backblaze b2 for almost 8 years now and it just works. I’ve never had any data lost by them in that time.

    I just recently switched over to Storj.io as it a bit cheaper at only $4/TB as compared to B2 at $6/TB. Both are S3 compatible and work with just about every backup software out there. I have used Borg, Kopia and now Restic to do backups of important data. All 3 tools deduplicate all your data and reduces the amount of storage used. They also do encryption client side and are open source. They also have a built-in verification mechanism that checks the data is intact.

  • and we were also first in line for things like the COVID vaccine, because the companies could make so much of their profits here…

    We were first in line because the US government paid billions to fund the R&D to get the vaccine out. Then when manufacturing started in limited supply it went to the highest bidder first, which again was the US. We paid for it twice . I think that kind of thing should not be patented, we the people paid for the research and development, and the pharma companies got all the profits. If other companies and countries were allowed to manufacture the vaccines, we would have squashed COVID much faster.

  • I would argue the opposite, in that monetary compensation enables the creator to put in the time and effort required to make a product with high quality. Without monetary support in a capitalist system, they are forced to spend their time doing other meaningless work to eat, and can’t spend the time they want on the project their passionate about.

    Looking at the current state of Hollywood, the drive to make a profit is actually ruining movies for me in the past 5 years. Full of bad writing and old remakes of remakes trying to get money from old IP. Nothing new or original has been written for some time and it’s getting old.