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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I’m not a therapist, so this is just a guess, but the “scared you off” comments and maybe the hints at depression could be seen as manipulative, especially when he really never wanted anything from the relationship beyond the online attention. He made her feel guilty for not spending more time and energy on him while exaggerating his own interest in her. Perhaps in his previous relationships the manipulation went further. Your friend needs to know she is not at all to blame for the end of this relationship. Nor is she dumb for caring about someone more than they cared about her: you can’t always tell. But perhaps she will take from it the idea that she could ask for things that are important to her, like in-person contact or space to be doing something other than talking to him without being nagged, sooner in the process to be sure the other person is on the same page. Help her understand that whatever anxiety she felt to shore up his emotions should be at most a small part of their interaction. A relationship shouldn’t feel like a tomagatchi pet.

  • So true. This just allows you to give more of your money to a bank over your lifetime. People almost always end up spending as much as they possibly can on a house, usually because they’re in competition with a big cohort with similar income in any given area. This will just raise prices as people can get bigger loans.

    As a current homeowner, I’m ok with prices going down if more owner-occupiers are actually getting into the market (and ending up as owners not just tenants to the bank). But as long as speculators and corporations can sweep in and steal the deals these lame policies just feel like more corruption.

  • I don’t know, but last month three people in my family, including one who is on immuno blockers, caught swine flu from 2009 (verified by PCR) and did have cold-like symptoms, but no hospitalization or other complications and no longer than a week. We got it tested because one sick person is non verbal and has a history of pneumonia, so whenever she gets a bad cough I take her to have someone listen to her lungs and this time they opted to test for the strain. I kind of wish we could do that more often as it’s very interesting to know and see these things come around. They all had this year’s flu vaccine, which every year includes some h1n1 variant, as had everyone else in the house who didn’t get sick at all. So anecdotally and unscientifically, I would say Spanish flu is not a threat, especially if you’ve been getting flu vaccines every year.

  • I’m my personal experience, I have to disagree. Keeping an app up to date with the os is not as ridiculous amount of time to need ongoing subscriptions at these prices as long as new users are still coming in. Even server resources don’t cost enough to justify $2/mo minimum from each user for most of these apps just serving a tiny amount of data like leaderboard or new puzzles. The problem is the stores take such huge cut every month so you can’t charge only what you really need. They don’t want to do micro transactions

  • I love this and have had similar thoughts in relation to my non verbal kid wanting to keep memories in a way they can point out different parts and link together multiple things to make new stories or comments or hypotheticals. Important to have the context and the parts and named things all relating together. I don’t know much about it, but there is a thing called “sidecar” file that can be associated with media. There are some moves to make EXIF data more standardized. So there’s a chance this could be done in an open format.