• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Again, you’re assuming facts not in evidence.

    No, you’re going along with the enabler’s playbook quite smoothly. Right now, all you’ve got are cheap ad-homs so you’re going after my confidence, life experience, and my emotions like what people like you always do to anyone who calls you out because you’re wrong and you just want to win something. Well, you’re not winning the argument. You lose. Get over it.

    Again, you might not like hearing the truth but it doesn’t stop being the truth just because you don’t want to hear it. The remaining Reddit users are dumber than a box of fucking rocks. They’re staying on a website that has done nothing but shit on its users throughout the year. They’re allowing themselves to be subjected to a social credit score to have access to the site knowing damn well they could come here and get most of the positive benefits of Reddit without any of the drawbacks. Refusing to take advantage of alternatives and continuing to stay on an abusive website is stupid as fucking hell and you know it. There is no disputing that. It’s as indisputable as 2 + 2 = 4.

    Yet here you are, not wanting to admit it because you know that the remaining Reddit users, regular people, are harming themselves and you don’t believe regular people should ever be held accountable for anything, only corporations. Well, the only way Reddit is able to continue functioning is because of those regular people. We’re the ones who buy and consume shit from those organizations. We’re the ones feeding those beasts and it’s way, WAY past time for us as regular people to face the fact that we’re culpable for the monstrously idiotic shit they’ve been doing, including and especially Reddit.

    All human beings have the core obligation to take responsibility for their own actions and you are denying that core obligation because you don’t want it to be true. That’s entirely a you problem. Really an enabler problem throughout our culture.

    People like you, man 🤦🤦🤦

  • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyztoReddit@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I’ve seen it used as an excuse my whole life, people without compassion just telling someone its 100% on you, when its never that simple, Life is never that simple.

    I’ve seen compassion used as an excuse to enable anything from childish, spoiled behavior to the most evil shit imaginable, from people like you who think you can just motte-and-bailey away the fact that you’re excusing evil. What about it? 🤷 You lack the compassion you demand from others because you’re not actually talking about or demanding compassion; you’re just trying to manipulate the emotions of everyone around you to save terrible people from consequences, denying them the chance to experience reality for what it is and learn from their mistakes, and abusing everyone else.

    You ought to learn compassion for literally everyone else around you, and accept that not everyone has to feel compassion for everyone. Humans withhold compassion and empathy based on behavior and we do that so that we’re able to enforce rules and expectations in our communities, to protect the people we love and care about, to maintain boundaries. But you don’t care about that because all you care about is yourself.

    Even the weird false dichotomy of simple vs. complex you paint – another terrible cliche from your camp – does this. A lot of things in life are that simple, and a situation being complex doesn’t change the fact that what someone’s doing is wrong and that they need to be held accountable for it. Accountability, responsibility and decency mean more than that.

    There’s nothing complex about some idiot who keeps using Reddit despite the act being contrary to their best interest just like there’s nothing complex about some rapist raping others. Yet you use the same excuses with both. You’ve even done it in regards to child killers. I’ve seen your camp do it on Lemmy with my own two eyes.

    What you’re trying to do is subtly imply that we cannot trust our own judgement or come to a conclusion you don’t want us to come to – that the remaining Reddit users are just idiots, in this case – and you’re not going to get what you want. They objectively are idiots and that’s a fact regardless of how anybody feels about it.

    We’re not obligated to ignore facts because doing so inconveniences or threatens you.

    I strive for the truth of things.

    Its not enabling,

    Stop lying.

    Come back when you have some actual integrity. And stop defending stupid people.

  • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyztoReddit@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    The fact that you think holding people accountable for their terrible choices is telling someone to F off tells us all we need to know about how you’re approaching this.

    You not liking to hear the truth doesn’t make it any less true, and you are not doing anyone any good by protecting them from the negative consequences of their actions – really you’re harming them and everyone else. Doing that is destructive and quite frankly abusive.

    You’re far from the first person who thinks like this I’ve had to deal with and you, unfortunately, won’t be the last. The only thing that snaps people like you out of it is when whoever you’re protecting does something blatant and catastrophic, and even then sometimes you won’t because you have selfish, underhanded motives for protecting them. In your case, it’s likely because you still use some corporate websites and secretly feel offended when confronted with the fact that you’re hurting yourself by using their services.

    If telling you the truth is the equivalent of telling you to F off, as you put it, then you need to be told to F off before you enable even worse shit.

  • No, no, I’ve argued with enough of you over the years to know how you work. That’s a demand, alright, and a harmful one, not just for society as a whole but for stupid people who make mind-numbingly stupid decisions, and it’s not just with Reddit users. You do the same thing with drug addicts, domestic abusers, rapists – I even saw you do it for a child killer here on Lemmy – and you can’t see how fucked up what you’re doing is.

    We live in a nation of laws, expectations and responsibilities and that means no matter what your excuse is, there are still things you are not supposed to be doing regardless, and when you do them you need to be held accountable for that.

    We can’t have a functional community if we don’t.

    It means even for self-destructive shit like staying on corporate platforms, you say something. You don’t have to be aggressive or demanding about it; a simple “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” “You sure? You can come on Lemmy/Kbin/wherever if you change your mind. Be careful” is enough.

    You just don’t like the idea that normal people hold a share of responsibility for our current situation and that’s too bad, it’s the truth. We can’t all be perfect, but responsibility doesn’t ask for people to be perfect, its demands are far more basic than that, and you don’t want people to even be held to that.

    And that’s dangerous, and bad for society.

  • Well, yeah. You’re making a demand. You’ll quibble about the semantics just so you can deny it, but people like you do this every single time anyone does something they’re not supposed to be doing and I am tired of it.

    We cannot have a functional society if we do what you are telling us to. Adults are responsible for their actions and we, as a community, have a responsibility to establish standards and expectations upon our people and enforce them. In this case, with us shaking our heads at them, withholding sympathy and compassion for them, and reminding ourselves and each other that we’ll suffer just like they do if we do the same stupid shit they’re doing.

    It’s what reasonable adults do and you’re not going to convince us to stop being reasonable adults.

    If they’re not capable of making good decisions for themselves like you want us to believe, then they don’t belong on the Internet.

    But we don’t treat people like invalids because as adults we respect the intelligence of other people. You need to learn to do the same.