For sure, but that second layer of confirmation when you get home is good to have. The fake in this picture is very obvious, but the GBA games can be a lot more subtle.
For sure, but that second layer of confirmation when you get home is good to have. The fake in this picture is very obvious, but the GBA games can be a lot more subtle.
It can actually rip entire cartridges, so if there’s a game out their that you can’t find a rom hack of, you can make your own ROM, or make your own home brew version on GB studios.
For any GB, GBC, and GBA fans, I highly recommend the GB Operator from Epilogue. It’s a super simple USB device that will not only play your games and back up your saves, but will also authenticate your cartridges. It’s great for something like Pokémon Ruby and Saphire, which has a lot of bootlegs floating around.
…and that still doesn’t change the fact that the headline is using passive language to lessen the impact of this boy’s death. You see this shit with police killings too; they say someone, “Died in police custody,” rather than, “Killed during a violent arrest.” Betty White died, this kid was killed in an air strike.
Wonder what he died of? Weird that the headline phrasing is so vague and passive.
Either Outlaw or Superman or the Atari 2600. Both came out in 1978, but I’m not sure which was first.
That’s horrible, but I was relieved to learn that CPS doesn’t stand for, “ChIld Protective Services,” in the UK. I was expecting a much darker story when I clicked.
Yeah, you know what’s great for global political stability? Assassinating the heads of state of countries with massive nuclear arsenals.
Damn, Rogan’s starting to look like Blofeld.
Yeah, that makes sense. I wish I could track down where I read this to figure out if it’s a bad source or I’m misremembering it. I may be mistaking Tacitus’ reference to Christ, but I don’t think it’s that. I distinctly remember reading about some sort of population record of a Rabbi named Jesus and thinking, “Wow, I’m surprised a record like that survived.” The problem is this was 10+ years ago, and search engines suck now, so I’ll never find it again.
LOL, basically, yeah.
Interesting, what kind of records do we have from Alexander’s time? And yeah, I agree, the early gospels and the later Roman references probably indicate Rabbi named Jesus was crucified, but I don’t think that a secondary source or religious texts really meet OP’s criteria for, “physical proof.” (Although we probably don’t have, “physical proof,” for a lot of historical events we generally accept have happened).
Yeah, but the odds of census records surviving that long are pretty low. Apparently, there are references to Jesus from some Roman historians that scholars think corroborate his existence, but they come about 100 years after Jesus supposedly lived, so they’re not exactly evidence.
I had read that there were Roman census records that proved a Rabbi named Jesus did live at about the right time, but now I can’t find a source to back that up, so that’s probably bunk.
Relics are almost always fake, and there are usually multiples of them at any given time. A lot of people have had Jesus’ foreskin throughout the years, and I think there are 5 or 6 heads of John the Baptist floating around right now.
I still get emails from my dormant account, and according to my Gmail, the sender is, “X (formerly Twitter),” so I don’t think we’re done with that yet.
I mean, if the payout is so low that it’s not worth keeping in the market, then it’s not going to have much of an impact on the S&P 500. I’m sure many Millennials (focusing on them, since they’re most likely to lose parents) will use the money for a down-payment on a home, but 52% of them already own homes, and many Boomers will be leaving behind their own homes, so it’s safe to say substantially less than half of them will need to cash out their parents 401Ks for homes. Student loans will probably take up some of that money, but the average student loan debt is $32K, while the average boomer has about 200K in retirement savings, so even the student debt crisis isn’t going to take that much money out of the market.
The real thing to watch is medical costs. Boomers are living longer while medical costs are skyrocketing, so it does seem that a lot of the wealth the Boomers accumulated is going to medical industry instead of Millennials. I don’t know hoe that’s going to impact the market though.
Generally speaking, their inheritors keep the funds in the market. If the Boomer has a significant amount in their 401K, a fiduciary is just going to tell the next of kin to keep it market, and most people fill out a Time of Death Beneficiary so the account just transfers over to their heirs. Unless they’re in heavy debt or need a down-payment on a house, most people will just keep the account.
Did you read this? This article is about the pro-Russian separatists’ conscription of Ukrainians to fight for Russia.
From your source:
From the Gaurdian article they’re referencing:
From another article cited by your source:
Even if Ukraine is using conscripted soldiers, you just proved that A) pro-Russian forces are doing the exact same thing and B) you don’t even look at the articles you’re sharing.