I feel (and I’m no doctor) was that it was already too late by visit 3.
perhaps, but even the other visits it seems the doctors were cagey around pregnancy - that’s what this kind of law does - it dissuades doctors from considering things because they’re worried about repercussions
if the first 2 doctors had come to the conclusion that it was pregnancy related sepsis and that abortion is the only option, well now they’re in a real hard position - to let the patient get worse and worse in front of them and then likely take all the blame when things go downhill FAST? or “misdiagnose” and send her on her way for someone else to deal with?
the first is a lot of personal risk; the 2nd is minimal risk… is it selfish? absolutely! but humans act selfishly - thats just how we’re wired, and laws can’t just decide to make people act differently
their non-vote is a fucking fantasy… their non-vote is going to cause palestinians to lose their lives… because they didn’t have the fucking spine to make a decision that actually effects the outcome, their childish protest is going to cause lives to be lost