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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • Probably best to look at it as a competitor to a Xeon D system, rather than any full-size server.

    We use a few of the Dell XR4000 at work (https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/ipovw/poweredge-xr4510c), as they’re small, low power, and able to be mounted in a 2-post comms rack.

    Our CPU of choice there is the Xeon D-2776NT (https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/sku/226239/intel-xeon-d2776nt-processor-25m-cache-up-to-3-20-ghz/specifications.html), which features 16 cores @ 2.1GHz, 32 PCIe 4.0 lanes, and is rated 117W.

    The ostensibly top of this range 4584PX, also with 16 cores but at double the clock speed, 28 PCIe 5.0 lanes, and 120W seems like it would be a perfectly fine drop-in replacement for that.

    (I will note there is one significant difference that the Xeon does come with a built-in NIC; in this case the 4-port 25Gb “E823-C”, saving you space and PCIe lanes in your system)

    As more PCIe 5.0 expansion options land, I’d expect the need for large quantities of PCIe to diminish somewhat. A 100Gb NIC would only require a x4 port, and even a x8 HBA could push more than 15GB/s. Indeed, if you compare the total possible PCIe throughput of those CPUs, 32x 4.0 is ~63GB/s, while 28x 5.0 gets you ~110GB/s.

    Unfortunately, we’re now at the mercy of what server designs these wind up in. I have to say though, I fully expect it is going to be smaller designs marketed as “edge” compute, like that Dell system.

  • Unfortunately what’s shipping today seems it would offer maybe half that.

    For the batteries that were announced this past week, a larger-than-refrigerator-sized cabinet held a capacity of around 15kWh.

    Around half the energy density by mass of Lithium batteries, and in the order of a sixth of the density by volume.

    Now if only we could come up with a system where your car could be charged while stopped at traffic lights, we might be onto a winner (:

    Considering however that the price of sodium is around 1-2% that of lithium, I expect we will see significant R&D and those numbers quickly start to improve.

  • To expand on @doeknius_gloek’s comment, those categories usually directly correlate to a range of DWPD (endurance) figures. I’m most familiar with buying servers from Dell, but other brands are pretty similar.

    Usually, the split is something like this:

    • Read-intensive (RI): 0.8 - 1.2 DWPD (commonly used for file servers and the likes, where data is relatively static)
    • Mixed-use (MU): 3 - 5 DWPD (normal for databases or cache servers, where data is changing relatively frequently)
    • Write-intensive (WI): ≥10 DPWD (for massive databases, heavily-used write cache devices like ZFS ZIL/SLOG devices, that sort of thing)

    (Consumer SSDs frequently have endurances only in the 0.1 - 0.3 DWPD range for comparison, and I’ve seen as low as 0.05)

    You’ll also find these tiers roughly line up with the SSDs that expose different capacities while having the same amount of flash inside; where a consumer drive would be 512GB, an enterprise RI would be 480GB, and a MU/WI only 400GB. Similarly 1TB/960GB/800GB, 2TB/1.92TB/1.6TB, etc.

    If you only get a TBW figure, just divide by the capacity and the length of the warranty. For instance a 1.92TB 1DWPD with 5y warranty might list 3.5PBW.

  • As of USB-PD 3.1 there are now nine fixed voltages - 5, 9, 12, 15, 20, 28, 36, and 48V - and two variable-voltage modes; PPS with 3.3 - 21V in 0.02V increments, and AVS with 15 - 48V in 0.1V increments.

    Combined with a few different current limits, some of these features being optional, and then doubling down with what your cable does or doesn’t support, amazing anything gets charged at all.

  • Not OP, but genuine answer: because I loathe being forced into their way of doing things. Every little thing on the Mac seems engineered with an “our way or the highway” mentality, that leaves no room for other (frequently, better) ways of achieving anything.

    Adding to that, window/task management is an absolute nightmare (things that have worked certain ways basically since System 6 on monochrome Mac Classic machines, and haven’t improved), and despite all claims to the contrary, its BSD-based underpinnings are just different enough to Linux’s GNU toolset to make supposed compatibility (or the purported “develop on Mac, deploy on Linux” workflow) a gross misadventure.

    I just find the experience frustrating, unpleasant, and always walk away from a Mac feeling irritated.

    (For context: > 20 year exclusively Linux user. While it’s definitely not always been a smooth ride, I seldom feel like I’m fighting against the computer to get it to do what I want, which is distinctly not my experience with Apple products)

  • Worse still, a lot of “modern” designs don’t even both including that trivial amount of content in the page, so if you’ve got a bad connection you get a page with some of the style and layout loaded, but nothing actually in it.

    I’m not really sure how we arrived at this point, it seems like use of lazy-loading universally makes things worse, but it’s becoming more and more common.

    I’ve always vaguely assumed it’s just a symptom of people having never tested in anything but their “perfect” local development environment; no low-throughput or high-latency connections, no packet loss, no nothing. When you’re out here in the real world, on a marginal 4G connection - or frankly even just connecting to a server in another country - things get pretty grim.

    Somewhere along the way, it feels like someone just decided that pages often not loading at all was more acceptable than looking at a loading progress bar for even a second or two longer (but being largely guaranteed to have the whole page once you get there).

  • It was obvious right from the outset that Reddit’s assertions as to the costs and motivations were not remotely genuine.

    There was a comment early on to the effect of “it should only cost about $1 per user per month”. Were that in fact the case, they could easily have added their own payment method to collect said dollar directly from users, allowing API / 3rd-party client access on a per-account basis. No weird limitations, just the experience you were already enjoying for a nominal fee.

    The whole principle was from the outset pants-on-head idiotic, and it’s clear the few times I have been to Reddit since that both the quality and quantity of content has noticeably reduced. Who could have predicted that the “freeloading” 3rd-party app users were the ones providing the bulk of the content (y’know, that content that, for all purposes, is Reddit, and they get to sell ads against).