This made me chuckle for a good 10 minutes!
At work we’re currently in the last layer of the iceberg with 35+ microservices, with ten different Kubernetes instances for different uses and a supported OnPrem version.
It is bit of a learning curve and we definitely have two “mono-services” that we’re actively braking down due to it accumulating seven years worth of different ideas and implementations.
I think currently I’m still heavily in favor in microservices in a project of our scale as it easily let’s us enhance, trash, or reimplement different areas of the app; but man is it a pain in the ass to manage sometimes 😂
I’d be interested in seeing the code and checking it out. Open Source it only if you’re comfortable and there’s no sensitive data in the repo though.
It wouldn’t hurt and there’s no down-voting a repo so I see no downsides besides fellow developer engagement and learning from one another.