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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Would have been nice if this context was in the article. I got into an argument 10+ years ago with some militant prick by the name of “SquarePusher” on Reddit about how his emulator was the best and anyone who dares to charge for an emulator is evil. I wrote him and his stupid emulator off then.

    Turns out it’s the same guy. I’ve used it a bit since then as I wasn’t aware of other reasons to not support it other than my own personal grudge but I’ll definitely stop now.

    Do you have any source for the transphobic stuff he’s said? I Googled but I couldn’t find anything other than vague references rather than specific comments.

  • I’ll believe it when I see it. He made his good financial decisions when he wasn’t full mask-off insane, since his wife left him and his daughter disowned him he’s had more important things to deal with, like wasting his money turning back the clock so neither of them have any rights anymore. Currently he is just banking off of those good early decisions.

    I won’t speak to the specific financials of his companies, but I don’t see him maintaining his current growth rate while so distracted for much longer. I also see his attachment to companies as a growing impediment, not an asset.

  • I really like my FineWoven case, I was hoping they would revise them rather than do away with it entirely. I had to get a replacement for my first one because the sides were peeling (which Apple replaced for free) but the replacement has been fine.

    However they don’t age well, especially the ones in any colour other than black, so I can see why they did it. Still, I prefer it over any other case I’ve owned. Feels nice in hand, thinner than any previous Apple case while still providing great drop protection, smooth but not slippy, it had a lot going for it.

  • If it’s the size of an Apple TV it will definitely only have a few ports. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m personally fine with that, 1-2 USB-C, 1 USB-A, Ethernet, Power and HDMI would be fine IMO.

    I think this was more of an issue when USB-C docks were less compatible and more expensive. Now you can get all the ports you need for $20. Just doesn’t seem like much of a big deal to me, when 90% of them are going to be connected to a monitor, wireless KB & mouse and WiFi and the occasional USB key or printer.

  • You can also offer all of that online without having to do anything but hold some more stock. Rather than have fancier LCBOs, in this day and age it makes more sense to yank anything over $250 and offer it online only with ISPU.

    All the complaints people have about the LCBO are easily fixed. Not enough locations, open more licensed agents. Convenience stores would kill to be able to sell spirits, even if 100% of revenue goes back to the LCBO and it’s just a traffic draw. Hours are too short, increase hours.

    The union has already offered much of this stuff, but the province won’t budge. Could we do without the LCBO? Of course, the argument that it isn’t needed because most other places manage liquor sales privately is sound. I wish they would stop arguing that they’re doing a better job preventing underage drinking when we all know that’s nonsense.

    There is only one thing that they should be saying: the LCBO exists, offers great jobs, and delivers a massive amount of money to the province. There is no reason to eliminate it now for a short-term windfall when it will cause multi-billion dollar deficit down the line and put more dollars in the hands of private grocery conglomerates.

    Why would you get rid of it? Longer hours? They can do that. More selection? They can do that. More locations? They can do that. Lower prices? Those prices are high because of liquor taxes which won’t go down with no LCBO (and will arguably go UP because the LCBO gets such good deals due to its massive purchasing power).

    There is no good argument for eliminating it, except “I’m Galen Weston and I want more money”.

  • This isn’t an HDMI mod that pulls from digital signal and outputs to digital, or an RGB mod that bypasses the analogue hardware.

    It’s a mod that corrects poor image in some specific models of SNES to bring them to the standard of other models of SNES. Details here: https://www.retrorgb.com/snesversioncompare.html

    I understand what you’re getting at because it’s a common refrain, but the fact that some models of SNES do not exhibit this behaviour strongly indicates it was not how it was supposed to look, and is caused by poor manufacturing tolerances and/or aging caps.

    Not all degraded video quality was the intended vision for the device, unless your argument is that a fraying composite cable that you have to jiggle around and a controller with a broken “R” button is also core to the experience. That may have been YOUR experience as a kid, that doesn’t make it the intended vision of the creators.

    It’s a fine line, but this falls on the side of early manufacturing errors and not intention.

  • “I have so many reasons it would take me days to go through my file of very good reasons and I have better things to do like comment on Lemmy about Trudeau and all the reasons I have to not like him.”

    I don’t like Trudeau for the same reasons I did before he was elected. He’s a Liberal, and he’s more right wing than I want in a leader. Supporting the oil industry at the expense of our national standing and the environment, and reneging on his promise to end FPTP are also good reasons.

    But I am immediately suspicious of anyone who HATES him or is SO EMBARRASSED by him because they have clearly fallen for a right-wing disinformation campaign against him. They hate him because they’re told about how awful he is because carbon tax and gays and economy.

  • Money. Saved you a click.

    What a terrible article. Literally says a bunch of stuff about affordability, then says “it’s not all about affordability”, then immediately cites an example that IS about affordability.

    “I can live in my dream home and still walk to the bar” is 100% affordability. There are tons of areas of Toronto where that is possible. The problem? You can’t afford them.

    People move out of the city because they can’t get what they want at a price they can afford, and they aren’t willing to concede on those things to stay. That’s it. Every other reason is a statistical aberration.

    If significantly more people are leaving, it’s not because there are new reasons. It’s because more people have crossed that threshold due to delayed life starts, stagnant wages and skyrocketing housing costs.

    Articles like this are a waste of column inches that could be spent on talking about why people can’t afford those things. Instead of acting like the mystery is why people are leaving, investigate the actual issue of why they can’t afford to stay.