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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • But while you’ve eloquently pointed out the inherent flaw in the definitions we use in this discussion, i could use your same argument against you, reducing your argument to:

    “I don’t like this meme”

    Because memes, sayings, chants, etc exist to boil down a nuanced concept into a quick statement of belief, you could nitpick em, all of em all day, and while a little mental flaggelation is fun we’d have spent that day missing the point.

    Pedantica aside, do you disagree with the meaning behind the saying?

  • They don’t. And they don’t need to! Being rude at people who disagree with the US State departments official position (which is not propaganda) is good enough, because propaganda = opinions that are not in line with the US state dept.

    They believe that “fact” so powerfully that theyll get angry at you and insult you. Other facts become unnecessary if the person saying them is untrustworthy. Uncomfortable truths, any thoughts about the US’s many, many efforts to control the global south may be terminated along with the messenger.

    Besides people use Ad hominem because it’s just so easy

  • Though reducing plastic waste is a great goal and i am glad for this victory, in (yanktown) grocery stores there is more crap wrapped in plastic than ever. Even my produce aisle has1-2 layers of plastic around them. Putting 100 plastic wrapped items into a few canvas bags is 1 step forward 2 steps back.

    I agree with anyone saying “more is needed”, and i don’t want to seem against this at all, but I do want an accounting of the increasing amounts commercial/industrial are producing in the first place.

    If we don’t do that too, in fact if we don’t focus on those then consumer-level initiatives are just is spinning our wheels.

  • I’m of the belief that more people more opinions wether you agree or not with them is always better

    Right on brother.

    As to the second part, I guess i see what you’re saying. Reddit had its own hidey-holes and echo chambers where you could hear different opinions, not so different from here. Federation and defederation between instances act in much the same way (perhaps due to lemmys small size) as the effect as staying in a few niche subreddits. Traversing between instances is familiar, not too different than leaving your sub and scrolling /all.

    Hmmm. Hmmm. I guess you’re right, at least the way i use(d) them.

    Perhaps the only difference between them is reddit’s success and enshittified corporate rent-seeking. Those guys all sound the same and end up making a place same-y and sterilized