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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This is the typical case I think too. Usually so that nurse charts it straight away. This is so that another nurse wont give the same pill/dose during shift changes and so that if something happens and a doctor needs to administer alternative medication, they know what’s in the patients system already.

    I’ve never heard of a nurse having to sit there waiting for the patient to randomly choose a time to take it.

  • This is a newb talking so take it with a grain of salt but

    1. From initial videos it looks like when you pull out then put the cart back in, it seems to swap between games. So guess is that for the switch it looks like a normal game, not an initial boot interface to swap between, but what boots depends on which one the cart is chosen in the loop.

    2. You’re right it would be their own type, and likely a converter between them assuming the team doesn’t put some sort of proprietary stopper

    3. Likely the switch itself won’t know the difference, but Nintendo has dealt with this problem in the past with the 3ds. They add a unique code to every game, so when you pirate it and try to download and update Nintendo can see 1000s of downloads of the same game with unique key, then they can just ban the console. Same if you try to play online (then later patching happened where you can change the key yourself). Downloadable updates where available then afaik

  • Everyone’s comments here are right but I do feel you OP, I’ve been wanting to learn Godot and react recently but seeing people just pull code straight from ChatGPT and it’s way better then I can code right now, does feel a bit like “should I really try this path”.

    Tbf I do think you can work hand in hand with ChatGPT where it just makes you faster at development, but I still do feel a little sting. And with so much stuff I want to do, I’ve re-prioritised other things instead.

  • There’s a lot of different views, many with some truths to it. I’ll try to give an answer but please take into account my answer is quite bias too.

    The question, unlike the title of the article, the actual vote is on

    whether the Constitution should be changed to include a recognition of the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

    The problem is, how exactly or what exactly is an Aboriginal/Torres strait Islander voice. It’s not like Australia is voting to not give these groups voting rights like many articles seem to suggest.

    It’s about what does this voice mean, do they have the power over government, can they stop laws, does it even help, whose even in it?

    And there is no answer real answer, most answers I see are “it’s about creating a voice” or “we want to see Aus support before putting into action” etc (this may have changed later but that was the initial info I was getting), so you basically asked the Australian people to vote into changing the consitution on a potential something? Which for many feels like a permanent change or an unknown thing.

    So all the no side had to do was be like “oh if you don’t know, then best to err on the safe side and vote no”. “Who knows what this could do”. “You can always wait and change it later”.

    Imo the votes would have been very different if it instead just asked “would you like to see an Aboriginal / Torres strait Islander voice in government” and not touched the constitution. Or if they just made the voice/team/group and showed Aus how helpful it was before asking them to change the consitution.

    And (I’m prob showing more bias here) if the yes side didn’t just call everyone racist who looked at the no vote (which I believe many are swing voters), it couldve provided enough time/listening to make changes to the argument that would change the voters. For example if they made it clear that it would just be used to support better decision making and help understanding etc. Though I can’t be too harsh when many of the no side arguments felt objectively like lies.

  • I want to add to this that it’s also a self circulating thing too. It’s easy to start reading text that’s antiwomen, seeing videos about it, slowly further looking into more and more negative things. Some guys literally brain wash themself on this. That’s why some media worry me.

    For example I recently watched a video that discussed the negatives of Captain Marvel as a movie. Not long after my videos started showing negatives of other shows and movies like velma, shehulk and snow white etc.

    Then not long after that all my videos started showing anti women, and more just outright incel videos.