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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • they do more to mobilize the population.

    Mobilize the population?

    Most of the population doesn’t give a fuck about their country invading Ukraine because they have their heads comfortably in the sand. Those who aren’t ignoring it, either already fully support it or are fully against it.

    “This is affecting me now. I don’t like it” is the more likely response you’d see from the majority. They just want things to be how they were, and them going to the front is the exact opposite of it.

    This “it could anger and provoke the Russians” rhetoric is not rooted in reality.

  • Not the same at all. The previous housing bubble was a result of widespread fraud by the banks. Now, people know very well to look out for that exact thing happening, and it isn’t.

    If there is a bubble right now, which there probably is, it is a speculative bubble. People believe that housing will forever quickly grow in price, so they are willing to pay above reasonable price to not miss out on the opportunity. Which in turn increases the prices further. It’s a self-sustaining cycle, but at some point there won’t be enough capital to sustain it any longer. Can happen in a year, can happen in a decade, can happen tomorrow.

  • We don’t know the real numbers and likely will not be able to know. When one of the answers has the potential to land you in prison, public polls are pretty useless.

    However, if you talk to any anti-war Russians, they will tell you that from their observations the majority support the war and the 70-80% figure is in the right ballpark. Explicit support is just too common. A person who doesn’t support the war will probably say that he doesn’t want to answer the question or discuss the topic. They won’t say that they want Ukraine eradicated.

    Every population is susceptible to propaganda. But Russia is on a completely different level. For many, when they see something with their own eyes but the TV says the opposite, they believe the TV. And the TV says blatantly and easily verifiably false things. Such blatant propaganda wouldn’t work in the West.

  • But that costs money. Selling people pills and self-help books? That makes money.

    I am sorry but this is a ridiculous implication.

    The vast majority of prescribed antidepressants (I’m assuming this is what you mean by pills) are old drugs with long expired patents, which makes them quite cheap. The profit margins have to be pretty low due to competition from generic formulation manufacturers. This is an area that actually could use more investment into R&D.

    Self-help books are usually written by individual authors or small collaborations. It’s profitable but not massive industry. The people profiting from self-help books are not anywhere near to being able to influence people getting homes, job security and work-life balance in either direction.

  • I will probably get shit for this, since it’s a predominantly left leaning space, but until society starts acknowledging men’s issues it will keep getting worse.


    In 2021, men died by suicide 3.90x more than women.

    In 2021, firearms accounted for 54.64% of all suicide deaths.

    This article is an excellent example of what I am talking about. It does not even mention the disparity of suicide rates between the sexes despite it obviously being a huge outlier. Instead, they talk about how guns are the problem, even though a gun is just a method.

    Taking away the easy methods to commit suicide might reduce the rate, but it does nothing to address to core issues that make people want to kill themselves in the first place. Instead of 5000 dead people you will have 5000 people who wish they were dead. Mission accomplished.