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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Have you ever talked to her about it? Are you a supervisor or any sort even if she’s not a direct report?

    This is minor, but if it bothers you and distracts you from your work I’d say address it as feedback - “Hey, I’m usually pretty busy when you come in. You seemed upset that I don’t get a chance to stop and properly greet you, but I’m focused on work at that time, let’s catch up on a break/lunch”

    I used to let so many of these little things go because it wasn’t worth it but little things add up and can make the workplace miserable. I’ve found people are pretty understanding and I started being more assertive about distractions and my work life has improved a lot. I’m ADHD and getting derailed kills my productivity. People eating at their desks, approaching me the moment they need something, asking questions when the answers are available on SharePoint, etc.