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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Looking it up online, the subject of Opera being chinese spyware seems to be debated pretty thoroughly, but with no definitive consensus (that I could find at least). Any articles on the subject I could read up on?

    I use Firefox myself, so it wouldn’t really impact my internet usage, but I’m just curious about what’s going on with Opera.

    Funnily enough, I think the last time I used Opera was the Internet Channel on the Wii way back when, which was powered by Opera lmao

  • For me, I mostly rationalize my piracy as something generally unethical that I choose to partake in anyways. People often cite piracy as an issue with the service being provided, but there’s just a lot of instances where I’d rather pirate something than pay for it, not because the service is bad, but because “Why pay for something when I can just get it free, eh?”

    Though I think there is one specific case where I’d undoubtedly consider piracy ethical, which is for products that are not being sold on the market currently. Take a retro video game for instance. If it isn’t being sold by any company, then there is no way to legally play the game apart from getting a secondhand copy. Either way, the company that owns the rights to it won’t derive profit, and they aren’t involved in secondhand markets whatsoever, so pirating the game effectively results in 0 negative consequences for any party, compared to legally acquiring it.

  • I won’t deny it is a possibility (there’s nothing about it that’s explicitly impossible), but surely if this was a widespread issue at the topmost subreddits, then there would be some leak that would have gotten out? Even recently, when that one powermod, awkwardturtle got banned, a private message between him and admins got released.

    If something like that can be leaked to the public, then with the sheer number of moderators that would be “in on it” at least one would go rogue, posting some screenshot of this being the case. Either a correspondence with other moderators, or correspondence with other interest groups or corporations. Hell, with a mass exodus of mods, the chance of at least one mod turning coat on their fellow mods is absurdly high, if this is actually widespread.

    Other people claiming the same theory isn’t valid evidence and doesn’t prove anything. If this issue is as present as you claim it is, the again, I’ll believe it if I can see some evidence of that being the case. Until then, it is by definition a conspiracy theory, and just conjecture.

  • This is absurd. Consider the idea that not every moderator is power tripping, and that there are many who manage communities because they want to see them grow, and want people to have a place to talk about a given topic.

    When I used Reddit, I was on some smaller communities, maybe a few thousand people tops, with moderators who interacted with their community, were well known among the regulars, and were great to talk to. They don’t deserve disrespect just because you want to generalize all moderators under one giant blanket stereotype.

  • I do think there is some element of abuse, (i.e. “landed gentry”) but definitely not on par with an intimate relationship. Comparable, but not anywhere near equivalent.

    I think the sunk cost can be compared to a gambling addiction. You lose money, you know the casinos are designed to make you lose money on average, yet people chase after losses all the same.

    Casinos are an investment of money, and moderation is an investment of time. A gambler could just leave the casino after suffering a loss, and a Reddit mod could leave Reddit after suffering from this blatant abuse from the admins. But with addicts, you’ll always have that itch, that voice in the back of your head telling you to stay or go back.

    Some people are more prone to these urges and can’t resist. Gambling addicts exist. It’s a serious problem, and I have a close friend who suffered from this very addiction. I’d consider many of these mods to suffer from a similar, albeit lesser form of this brand of addiction.

    Either way, I agree that it’s something that should be pitied, and disagree with the idea that “it’s not that serious.”

  • While I can see federated video channels being a thing, would advertising be possible on it, at least in the same capacity as YouTube? Because from my understanding, a lot of channels are only able to exist the way they do because it’s a career for the channel owner. They can make a living off it, and in turn, they can dedicate their full time to the channel, rather than treat it as a hobby.

    Would ads be provided by a different service? And wouldn’t we see the same thing with Reddit, where the existing community is so big that people are scared to use something that may not reach as many people? With forums, its one thing, but when the aim is to make it big and potentially make a living off of videos, that might discourage people more.

  • If chat is what I’m thinking of (the private DM feature), then I used it once or twice. Namely, when I wanted to send a link/file to users in a community where posting links or files were not allowed, or being on the receiving end of that, wanting to privately message someone asking for something.

    Tbh, it’s not a system that needs to be overhauled and enhanced. It should just do the bare minimum of letting people privately message each other in a more streamlined format (a chat, as opposed to the equivalent of sending e-mails back and forth)

  • Never really was a fan of the copious amount of awards to begin with. Gold and Silver were fine enough, and they got a point across. If I saw them on a post or comment, I’d have an indicator that someone really liked it, and wanted to praise it beyond giving it an upvote. Silver and Gold were two tiers to this, which coupled with upvotes, was more than sufficient in giving users a metric by which to value posts or comments.

    It turned to shit when I start seeing diamond-clad medals, seal heads, unicorns and rainbows, and shooting stars flying across my screen. It took the simple approach and turned it into a clusterfuck of visual noise because the people designing them had no clue about the basics of a user interface.

    And then they kill the entire thing because (shocker) it just doesn’t work. Typical.