if each worker was guaranteed 5mbit of download, there probably were about 75 units maybe lol, or 50 if the mine was served by 3 shifts per day
so not working under rain is just a myth? would be worth it otherwise then. because people living at the equator would be struggling otherwise
true, makes all the sense. also it sucks that isps are leeching on taxpayer handouts, with no value in return
thats cool, when a gov or a state decides to fund such thing. but also companies like google or meta piggybacking on isps by using excessive amounts of bandwidth, they should fund network installations like this instead, it least lay the grounds for relays and whatnot.
about to read it
are u a tech nomad haha ? if u are please stop paying portugese rent with californian salary or whatever, u would ruin it for locals. not cool bro! cool if u dont 👌
i remember reading someone saying that he was paying 70$/month for a 4Mb/s downstream (wtf), and probably was comcast. what a shitty company that is
kept me wondering too
at least the japanese dont bitch about nuclear plants, unlike the germans
There are a lot of things to dislike about him and some things each company does, but that needs to be separated out for each company. Elon’s attitude has nothing to do with Starlink’s performance, but some online commenters will try to mix them.
yea, totally agree on this
would be cool if there was a terminal that could support 1Gbit download, but probably would cost 1k$ per month and terminal would cost…4k$ ?, but also could take it anywhere: hongkong, australia, chile, the arctic, u name it…
it really makes sense if u travel alot, and dont want to deal with random data roaming shenanigans. 100$ per month is nothing for a weekly traveller
would be interested if u could provide a link ? i already have the SpaceX twitter app installed haha
glad to know. people really have mixed takes about this
that would certainly trickle down to customers. they could have made the use of falcon heavy more common thou: 150 tons worth of sat weight in one sling shot, the gains would be worthwile i assume
less sats, more latency. 250$ millions for an extra 5ms (factual) ping ? maybe sometimes less is better
The mariana trench is also below sea level lol