Coming from the Company that brought you “Visual Studio” and “Visual Studio Code” and called the followup of “.NET Framework” just “.NET”. Sometimes I think they want their products to be hard to search.
You can’t write this kind of thing if you understand what a programmer does. The biggest part of the job is finding a good way to break down a problem into executable steps, not just actually writing the code.
They produce like double of what we need, it’s not only what we need and buy, capitalism is extremely inefficient in the usage of resources, which brought us into this mess.
Yeah, and if they could stop using established terms for their BS like “Metaverse” that would be great.
Yeah, and if they could stop using established terms for their BS like “Metaverse” that would be great.
I have been reading about MicroLEDs for years now, never bought any OLED because of the burn-in. I’m curious when MicroLEDs will actually hit the mass-market and at what price-point and also how they will scale for smaller screens.
He makes, mostly lengthy, videos about Videogames, Movies and various other stuff, often related to Grifters(vaccination,flat earth) in an entertaining/funny style. His most recent video is a 4 hour video about plagiarism on YouTube in which he talks about some cases in length.