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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Well thank god this sort of short sighted thinking isn’t prevalent in science or medicine or we’d all be fucked.

    *lol a scientist scooped a baby rat’s brain’s out just to satisfy his curiosity about dreams and sleep. You guys think I’m worried about some monkeys dying to help paralyzed people live again, I’m not. Science be like that sometimes, progress of all kinds is built on suffering of some sort, those in charge of the universe do their best to make sure it’s not them. You can hate me and my ideals if you want, but at least I’m not ignorant to the cause and what’s at stake just because I’m emotionally invested in the man behind the curtain.

  • All lives literally can’t matter if you’re already excluding some in that, that’s the whole point of Black Lives Matter you doofus.

    Remember, Black people count as people too, and as long as their lives don’t matter as much then the saying, “All lives matter” is false. Because if you cared about all lives, then you’d be caring about the black lives that are disproportionately harmed and murdered.

    And one only needs to take a look at society here in America to see the black lives are treated way worse than white lives. Nearly all facets of our society have some built-in racism whether you’re just going to the hospital with chest pains or trying to buy or sell your house. You’re gonna get worse quality of everything just because of your skin color and that’s verifiable fact.

    And yet all they want you to do is recognize that they’re being killed at a much higher rate than other people, and want you to care about that. And for some reason that triggers you so.

    Saying all lives matter, and believing that is like having a life raft on a boat, and seeing some people drowning, but you decided to throw the life raft to the people at a table, eating shrimp. You know, because all lives matter. Black Lives Matter is just recognizing the drowning people and trying to help them.