It’s been a while since I decided to invest in my body.

Usually I focus my workout where I think I am lacking some strength.

For abs and core strength, I have done somewhat this workout and I think I will stick to it, every two-three days I will do:

  • 7 leg raises

  • 20 sit ups

  • 20 russian twists

  • 40 s plank

  • cobra stretch

I run at weekends so I will skip leg day and as I skate quite a bit as well will try to manage the previous workout with it.

The problem is the arms workout as my wirsts are weak AF since I broke them ( yeah… guys wear your wrists guards ), so I usually crumble doing push ups, what would you guys propose as workout not only to build my arms, but too slowly build up my wrists.

Other problem that I want to work on is flexibility overall I am good but as I get older the more and more I notice my joints are getting quite rusty.

    1 year ago

    What’s your equipment like? Is it an at-home situation or do you go to a gym?

    If you have access to a bar jack landmine wipers are amazing for oblique work, way better than twists. Bonus is you get a lot of forearm and wrist work for stabilization, with a little bit of delt support too, but not much.

    You can do the same at home if you get creative with bands and have solid door/floor anchor points.